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Efficient Frontiers

This GitHub repository contains all the work related to my study of efficient frontiers and mean-variance optimisation. My notes are heavily inspired by research and lectures whilst studying at Warwick.


Mean-variance analysis is the problem of finding a portfolio that maximises expected returns for a given level of risk. The variance of an assets return is used as a measure of risk. This theory suggests that an investor can reduce portfolio risk by diversifying their portfolio of assets. The mean-variance framework was first introduced by Markowitz.

Problem Formulation

We explicitly solve the mean-variance optimisation problems for risk-only portfolios and general portfolios. For general portfolios these can be formulated as follows.

  • Given an initial wealth $x_0>0$ and a minimal desired expected return $\mu_{\text{min}}>0$, minimise the variance of the return $\sigma_{\bar{\vartheta}}^2$ among all $x_0$-feasible portfolios $\bar{\vartheta}\in\mathbb{R}^{1+d}$ that satisfy $\mu_{\bar{\vartheta}}\geq\mu_{\text{min}}$.
  • Given an initial wealth $x_0>0$ and a maximal desired variance of the return $\sigma_{\text{max}}^2\geq0$, maximise the expected return $\mu_{\bar{\vartheta}}$ among all $x_0$-feasible portfolios $\bar{\vartheta}\in\mathbb{R}^{1+d}$ that satisfy $\sigma_{\bar{\vartheta}}<\sigma_{\text{max}}^2$.

For risk only-portfolios

  • Given an initial wealth $x_0>0$ and a minimal desired expected return $\mu_{\text{min}}>0$, minimise the variance of the return $\sigma_{\vartheta}^2$ among all $x_0$-feasible portfolios $\vartheta\in\mathbb{R}^{d}$ that satisfy $\mu_{\vartheta}\geq\mu_{\text{min}}$.
  • Given an initial wealth $x_0>0$ and a maximal desired variance of the return $\sigma_{\text{max}}^2\geq0$, maximise the expected return $\mu_{\vartheta}$ among all $x_0$-feasible portfolios $\vartheta\in\mathbb{R}^{d}$ that satisfy $\sigma_{\vartheta}<\sigma_{\text{max}}^2$.

An implementation solving the risk-only problems can be seen in the document 23072024_Efficient_Frontier.ipynb. One of the other key problems we look at is the mutual fund theorem. This theorem states that any portfolio on the efficient frontier can be generated by holding a combination of any two given portfolios on the frontier. So even in the absence of a risk-free asset, an investor can achieve any desired efficient portfolio.


We calculate the forward-looking expected returns and covariance of returns using historical data gathered from Yahoo Finance. Given a portfolio, we can then easily compute it's return and variance. We solve the constraint problems by using scipy.optimize.minimize with the method 'SLSQP' (see for more details).


Please view Efficient_Frontier_Curve.png to see the constructed efficient frontier and read Efficient_Frontier_Project.pdf if you are interested in the theory behind efficient frontiers.


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