Package for performing clustering for high-dimensional data. This packages uses heavily scikit-learn and FFT accelerated t-SNE.
- Has been tested on latest version of OS X and Linux
- (OPTIONAL) The dynamical plotting requires Chrome, Safari or Firefox (without ad blockers !).
Python 3.6 or later versions.
Activate an Anaconda Python 3 environment
conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda install cython numpy fftw scipy
pip install hal-x
For future versions of the package, you can upgrade using:
pip install hal-x --upgrade
from hal import HAL # this imports the class HAL()
from sklearn.datasets import make_blobs
from hal import metric
import numpy as np
# Setting random seed, in case you want to re-run example but keep saved data in info_hal/
# Generate some data.
X,ytrue = make_blobs(n_samples=10000,n_features=12,centers=10) # 10 gaussians in 12 dimensions, 10000 data points
# The HAL constructor has many optional parameters (documentation coming soon)
model = HAL(clf_type='svm', warm_start=False) # using linear SVMs (fastest) for agglomeration. Other options are 'rf' and 'nb' (random forest, and naive bayes)
# builds model -> will save data in file info_hal
# rendering of results using javascript (with optional feature naming)
feature_name = ['feat_%i'%i for i in range(12)]
# Now that your model is fitted, let's visualize the clustering hierarchy. This will give us an idea of how to choose the cv score for the final prediction
model.plot_tree(feature_name = feature_name)
# In the visualization, we see that cv above ~ 0.86 will yield perfect clustering
# In order to generate the corresponding final clustering labels, use the predict function
ypred95 = model.predict(X, cv=0.95) # Predict with score of 0.95
ypred50 = model.predict(X, cv=0.5) # Predict with score of 0.5
# You can check the accuracy of your predictions against the true labels using the convenient metric functions:
print("Normalized mutual information score: %.4f"%metric.NMI(ypred95, ytrue))
print("Normalized mutual information score: %.4f"%metric.NMI(ypred50, ytrue))
# The fitted model information is in directory info_hal. To reload that information for later use, just:
# To load t-SNE coordinates: