It all started when I decided I need to learn Erlang. At the same time I needed a simple ircbot to handle some of the channels I frequent on. These two things put together and I decided to start this project.
The evolution of my knowledge can be best seen from the history of the git commits.
Now that the bot is extensible by plug-ins, and quite stable it's becoming pretty useful. It still needs improvements and is work in progress, but plug-ins can be written for anything.
Patches, help and feature requests can be sent on the github issue tracker. There's a TODO list I keep there too.
The bot is MIT licensed (for no particular reason), it's a very liberal license with no strings, so you can really do whatever you want with it.
First, compile everything:
Second, edit and rename the settings.cfg.sample file (to settings.cfg). Then start an Erlang REPL shell. Make sure the module path is set to the ./ebin/ directory, where all the compiled .beam files are:
erl -pa ./ebin
or simply:
make run-shell
Once in the Erlang REPL you can start the bot with:
{ok, Settings} = file:consult("settings.cfg").
{ok, IrcBot} = ircbot_fsm:start(Settings).
gen_fsm:send_event(IrcBot, connect).
gen_fsm:sync_send_all_state_event(IrcBot, {add_plugin, 'plugins.rps', []}).
You can make changes to the source code & plugins while the bot is running. Just hit "make" in another terminal and then, if everything is ok, in the Erlang REPL run:
to reload the 'plugins.rps' rock-paper-scissors module.
to reload the 'ircbot_fsm' module.
Erlangs code switching and the gen_fsm/gen_event frameworks will handle all the details to run the new code without even disconnecting.
Using the parametrized module support in Erlang we can do something like this too:
{ok, Settings} = file:consult("settings.cfg").
IrcBot = ircbot_fsm:new(Settings).
IrcBot:add_plugin(plugins.rps, []).
The parametrized module feature is officially supported since Erlang R14, so now I consider this the official API of the bot.
To start it:
erl -sname ircbot@localhost -setcookie xxx -pa ebin/ \
-sasl errlog_type error -s ircbot_app -conf settings-app.cfg
To connect a remote shell to it:
erl -sname ctrl -remsh ircbot@localhost -setcookie xxx
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