This is a test application that utilizes BrainTreePayments and Paypal payment SDKs.
There is no installation, no sql schema files (due to the fact it's using sqllite3 as database backend), no anything. The reason sqllite is used is because I wanted to make it easier for you to set this up. So no database db/user creation, import of initial schema etc. Schema is programmatically set from class.Database.php file. For your convenience.
I normally use MySQL or PostgreSQL myself, and sqllite for really small projects that don't require large RDBMS, such as this.
Setup instructions:
( These instructions assume your root for the app will be in /var/www/html/hq, and once downloaded, the app will be /var/www/html/hq/hqPaymentApp )
- mkdir -p /var/www/html/hq
- cd /var/www/html/hq
- git clone
- cd hqPaymentApp
- php /path/to/composer.phar install (this will install all things needed for the app to work, and obviously you'll need composer. )
- edit includes/config.php (only APP_DIR and APP_URL are needed to change)
- Install php sqllite package, ubuntu/debian: apt-get install php7.0-sqlite3
- Make sure db/hq.db is correct permissions. For the sake of this test, chmod -R 777 db/ should be fine. Note: Chmod to 777 is bad, every time. Same as laziness.
Optional: 9. Run the tests hq@dev001(/var/www/html/hq/hqPaymentApp/tests)# php ../vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit . PHPUnit 4.8.27 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
Time: 85 ms, Memory: 4.00MB
OK (12 tests, 12 assertions) hq@dev001(/var/www/html/hq/hqPaymentApp/tests)#
This is the output you want to see.
- Open the project: --> this link actually exist, and is live (Oct 19, 2016)
After opening, the form is filled with predefined values for your convenience. You can change it anyway you like. Notice that when testing amex, you have to change the number It's on the link I provided there. Also, this current number is generated on my paypal sandbox account. I'm not sure what numbers will work (as in: your test numbers) and what will not... that's up to paypal, i haven't tested with other paypal accounts.
- Click go
If everything is fine, you should see: "Payment verified. Click Here to see list of payments -"
Clicking on "Here" will show you your payment: Var dump for result number 2 "array(11) { ["id"]=> int(2) ["full_name"]=> string(10) "John Smith" ["cctype"]=> string(4) "visa" ["ccnumber"]=> string(16) "4996083535460392" ["ccexpire"]=> string(7) "12/2017" ["cccvv"]=> string(0) "" ["price"]=> float(12) ["currency"]=> string(3) "USD" ["gateway"]=> string(6) "paypal" ["verified"]=> int(1) ["payid"]=> string(28) "PAY-2DW60965MA404942HLADULCI" } "
It's a var_dump of the DB .. it's not formatted, but you can see it works.
Note: From all the data gateway gives back to me, i'm only entering one data into the table, "payid" field. This is because this is a test project, not a production app. It's a proof of concept, that is, not a production app.
If you having trouble running this app, check the logs of course. It will say what's wrong in there. Most probable cause of having a problem is some prerequisites are not installed (such as php-sqllite package), wrong permissions or wrong path configuration. Logs will help you clear the problem.
Question: How would you handle security for saving credit cards?
Generic answer would be to implement and follow PCI-DSS standard, outline can be seen here:
More specific answer, as in, actual storing CC data in the DB and how to do it securely, is encryption. Here's one way. Encrypting CC numbers with a secure alghorithm, such as AES with an key. As you may need the data again, you need a way to decrypt it, that's what key is used for. Key needs to be rotated, reasonable is every 3 months. After 3 months, when the new key is generated, the new data is encrypted with it, while the old is still with the old key. This means you have to store the new and the old keys for certain amount of time.
These keys also needs to be protected with one encryption key.
Storage and usage of these keys depend on general system implementation and architecture, but it's a common sense that they would not be stored anywhere near the server that holds encrypted CC data, and access to them strictly regulated and monitored.