Generate CSR (Certificate Signing Request) with both RSA or EC Written in Swift and can be accessible in both Swift and Objective-C. To use in code
Download and Extract zip file and get CryptoAPI.framework and drag into your code, add this into Ebedded Binaries. import #import <CryptoAPI/CryptoAPI.h> into your class where you want to generate CSR and write following code.
NSString * currentlLoginEmailAddress = @"[email protected]"; // Unique string use as alias for Keypairs
NSString * bundleID = @"com.myCompany.myApp"; // Bundle ID of your App use as Application Tag
NSString * userName = @"user name"; // User Name or name for organization which use in Certificate
NSString * randomNumber = @"453963013"; // Any Serial number which use in Certificate to identify.
KeyPairAttributes * keyPairAttributes = [[KeyPairAttributes alloc] init];
keyPairAttributes.keyLabel = currentlLoginEmailAddress;
keyPairAttributes.keySize = KeyPairAttributes.keySize256;
keyPairAttributes.keyStorageType = KeyPairAttributes.Hardware;
keyPairAttributes.keyType = KeyPairAttributes.EC;
keyPairAttributes.keyApplicationTag = bundleID;
KeyPairManager * keypairManager = [[KeyPairManager alloc] init];
//delete old keypair with same alias if exist.
[keypairManager deleteKeyPairWithKeyTag:currentlLoginEmailAddress];
//generate keypair from keypair attributes
[keypairManager generateKeyPair:keyPairAttributes completionHandler:^(OSStatus status) {
//get private key with alias and prompt message that will appear in Touch ID dialog.
SecKeyRef privateKey = [keypairManager getPrivateKeyWithKeyTag:currentlLoginEmailAddress prompotMessage:@""];
if (privateKey != nil) {
// get public in data format
NSData * publicKeyData = [keypairManager getPublicKeyWithKeyTag:currentlLoginEmailAddress];
SubjectDN * subjectDN = [[SubjectDN alloc] init];
subjectDN.commonName = userName;
subjectDN.serialNumber = randomNumber;
subjectDN.emaiAddress = currentlLoginEmailAddress;
// generate certificate with all subject with Public key in data and private key in seckeyreference format
NSString * csr = [[CertificateManager getInstance] generateCertificateSigningRequestWithSubjectDN:subjectDN publicKeyData:publicKeyData privateKey:privateKey];
if (csr.length > 0) {
The Final output will be CSR in string form and copy and past into to check output