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Frugal is an extension of Apache Thrift which provides additional functionality. Specifically, it includes support for request headers, request multiplexing, thread safety, and code-generated pub/sub APIs. Frugal is intended to act as a superset of Thrift, meaning it implements the same functionality as Thrift with some additional features. For a more detailed explanation, see the documentation.

Currently supported languages are Go, Java, Dart, and Python (2.7 and 3.5).



Pre-compiled binaries for OS X and Linux are available from the Github releases tab. Currently, adding these binaries is a manual process. If a downloadable release is missing, notify the messaging team to have it added.

From Source

  1. Install go and setup GOPATH.

  2. Install godep.

  3. Get the frugal source code

    $ go get

    Or you can manually clone the frugal repo

    $ mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
    $ cd $GOPATH/src/
    $ git clone [email protected]:Workiva/frugal.git
  4. Install frugal with godep

    $ cd $GOPATH/src/
    $ godep go install

When generating go, be aware the frugal go library and the frugal compiler have separate dependencies.

Using the Thrift compiler (DEPRECATED)

You may use the thrift compiler to generate parts of the internal code used by frugal using the --gen_with_frugal=false flag.

To do so, install Thrift. Dart support has not yet been released for Thrift, so we use a fork for the time-being.

From Source

Clone the fork

git clone [email protected]:stevenosborne-wf/thrift.git
cd thrift
git checkout 0.9.3-wk-3

Configure the install (Note: you make need to install build dependencies)

./configure --without-perl --without-php --without-cpp --without-nodejs --enable-libs=no --enable-tests=no --enable-tutorial=no PY_PREFIX="$VIRTUAL_ENV"

Install Thrift

make install

From Homebrew

Add the Workiva tap:

brew tap Workiva/workiva [email protected]:Workiva/homebrew-workiva.git

then install Thrift:

brew install Workiva/workiva/thrift

Expect the build to take about 3 minutes.


Define your Frugal file which contains your pub/sub interface, or scopes, and Thrift definitions.

# event.frugal

// Anything allowed in a .thrift file is allowed in a .frugal file.
struct Event {
    1: i64 ID,
    2: string Message

// Scopes are a Frugal extension for pub/sub APIs.
scope Events {
    EventCreated: Event

Generate the code with frugal. Currently, only Go, Java, Dart, and Python are supported.

$ frugal -gen=go event.frugal

By default, generated code is placed in a gen-* directory. This code can then be used as such:

// publisher.go
func main() {
    conn, err := nats.Connect(nats.DefaultURL)
    if err != nil {

    var (
        protocolFactory  = frugal.NewFProtocolFactory(thrift.NewTBinaryProtocolFactoryDefault())
        transportFactory = frugal.NewFNatsScopeTransportFactory(conn)
        provider         = frugal.NewFScopeProvider(transportFactory, protocolFactory)
        publisher        = event.NewEventsPublisher(provider)
    defer publisher.Close()

    event := &event.Event{ID: 42, Message: "Hello, World!"}
    if err := publisher.PublishEventCreated(frugal.NewFContext(""), event); err != nil {
// subscriber.go
func main() {
    conn, err := nats.Connect(nats.DefaultURL)
    if err != nil {

    var (
        protocolFactory  = frugal.NewFProtocolFactory(thrift.NewTBinaryProtocolFactoryDefault())
        transportFactory = frugal.NewFNatsScopeTransportFactory(conn)
        provider         = frugal.NewFScopeProvider(transportFactory, protocolFactory)
        subscriber       = event.NewEventsSubscriber(provider)

    _, err = subscriber.SubscribeEventCreated(func(ctx *frugal.FContext, e *event.Event) {
        fmt.Println("Received event:", e.Message)
    if err != nil {

    wait := make(chan bool)
    log.Println("Subscriber started...")


By default, Frugal publishes messages on the topic <scope>.<operation>. For example, the EventCreated operation in the following Frugal definition would be published on Events.EventCreated:

scope Events {
    EventCreated: Event

Custom topic prefixes can be defined on a per-scope basis:

scope Events prefix {
    EventCreated: Event

As a result, EventCreated would be published on

Prefixes can also define variables which are provided at publish and subscribe time:

scope Events prefix foo.{user} {
    EventCreated: Event

This variable is then passed to publish and subscribe calls:

var (
    event = &event.Event{ID: 42, Message: "hello, world!"}
    user  = "bill"
publisher.PublishEventCreated(frugal.NewFContext(""), event, user)

subscriber.SubscribeEventCreated(user, func(ctx *frugal.FContext, e *event.Event) {
    fmt.Printf("Received event for %s: %s\n", user, e.Message)

Generated Comments

In Thrift, comments of the form /** ... */ are included in generated code. In Frugal, to include comments in generated code, they should be of the form /**@ ... */.

 * This comment is included in the generated code because
 * it has the @ sign.
struct Foo {}

/**@ This comment is included too. */
service FooService {
    /** This comment isn't included because it doesn't have the @ sign. */
    Foo getFoo()

Vendoring Includes

Frugal does not generate code for includes by default. The -r flag is required to recursively generate includes. If -r is set, Frugal generates the entire IDL tree, including code for includes, in the same output directory (as specified by -out) by default. Since this can cause problems when using a library that uses a Frugal-generated object generated with the same IDL in two or more places, Frugal provides special support for vendoring dependencies through a vendor annotation on includes and namespaces.

The vendor annotation is used on namespace definitions to indicate to any consumers of the IDL where the generated code is vendored so that consumers can generate code that points to it. This cannot be used with * namespaces since it is language-dependent. Consumers then use the vendor annotation on includes they wish to vendor. The value provided on the include-side vendor annotation, if any, is ignored.

When an include is annotated with vendor, Frugal will skip generating the include if -use-vendor is set since this flag indicates intention to use the vendored code as advertised by the vendor annotation.

If no location is specified by the vendor annotation, the behavior is defined by the language generator.

The vendor annotation is currently only supported by Go.

The example below illustrates how this works.

bar.frugal ("providing" IDL):

namespace go bar (vendor="")

struct Struct {}

foo.frugal ("consuming" IDL):

include "bar.frugal" (vendor)

service MyService {
    bar.Struct getStruct()
frugal -r -gen -use-vendor foo.frugal

When we run the above command to generate foo.frugal, Frugal will not generate code for bar.frugal since -use-vendor is set and the "providing" IDL has a vendor path set for the Go namespace. Instead, the generated code for foo.frugal will reference the vendor path specified in bar.frugal (

Thrift Parity

Frugal is intended to be a superset of Thrift, meaning valid Thrift should be valid Frugal. File an issue if you discover an inconsistency in compatibility with the IDL.


Via Shipyard

Grab the frugal Docker image id for the image you would like to use from Shipyard.

Switch to the directory that has the files you would like to generate.

Then run the docker image. This command will mount your local directory into the image. It supports all of the standard Frugal commands.

docker run -v "$(pwd):/data"{SHIPYARD_ID} frugal -gen={LANG} {FILE_TO_GEN}

An example to generate the Go code off the event.frugal definition in the example directory.

$ cd example
$ docker run -v "$(pwd):/data" frugal -gen=go event.frugal


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