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akash-akya committed Sep 20, 2024
1 parent cef49ae commit 9d57903
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Showing 12 changed files with 244 additions and 82 deletions.
12 changes: 11 additions & 1 deletion go_src/process.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package main

import (
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -71,6 +72,7 @@ func readCommandStdout(cmdOutput io.ReadCloser, outputDemand <-chan Packet, outp
var buf [BufferSize]byte
var packet Packet
var ok bool
var chunk_size uint32

cmdOutputClosed := false

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -100,8 +102,16 @@ func readCommandStdout(cmdOutput io.ReadCloser, outputDemand <-chan Packet, outp
fatal("asking output while command output is closed")

if len( == 4 {
chunk_size = binary.BigEndian.Uint32(
} else {
fatal("invalid read size")

logger.Printf("read with max size: %v", chunk_size)

// blocking
bytesRead, readErr := cmdOutput.Read(buf[:])
bytesRead, readErr := cmdOutput.Read(buf[:chunk_size])
if bytesRead > 0 {
output <- buf[:bytesRead]
} else if readErr == io.EOF || bytesRead == 0 {
Expand Down
288 changes: 215 additions & 73 deletions lib/ex_cmd.ex
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,123 +1,265 @@
defmodule ExCmd do
@moduledoc """
ExCmd is an Elixir library to run and communicate with external
programs with back-pressure.
@moduledoc ~S"""
ExCmd is an alternative for beam [ports](
with back-pressure and non-blocking IO.
@doc """
Runs the given command with arguments and return an Enumerable to
read command output.
### Quick Start
First parameter must be a list containing command with
arguments. example: `["cat", "file.txt"]`.
Run a command and read from stdout
### Optional
iex>!(~w(echo Hello))
...> |> Enum.into("") # collect as string
* `input` - Input can be binary, iodata, `Enumerable` (list, stream)
or a function which accepts `Collectable`.
Run a command with list of strings as input
* Binary
# binary!(~w(base64), input: "Hello Wolrd")
iex>!(~w(cat), input: ["Hello", " ", "World"])
...> |> Enum.into("") # collect as string
"Hello World"
* Enumerable or iodata
Run a command with input as Stream
# list!(~w(base64), input: ["hello", "world"])
iex> input_stream =, fn num -> "#{num} " end)
iex>!(~w(cat), input: input_stream)
...> |> Enum.into("")
"1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 "
# iodata!(~w(cat), input: ["He", ["llo"], [' ', ?W], ['or', "ld"]])
Run a command with input as infinite stream
# stream!(~w(cat), input:!("log.txt", [], 65536))
# create infinite stream
iex> input_stream = Stream.repeatedly(fn -> "A" end)
iex> binary =
...>!(~w(cat), input: input_stream, ignore_epipe: true) # we need to ignore epipe since we are terminating the program before the input completes
...> |> Stream.take(2) # we must limit since the input stream is infinite
...> |> Enum.into("")
iex> is_binary(binary)
iex> "AA" <> _ = binary # we might get more than 2 "A" due to buffering
* Collectable:
Run a command with input Collectable
If the input in a function with arity 1, ExCmd will call that
function with a `Collectable` as the argument. The function
must *push* input to this collectable. Return value of the
function is ignored.
# ExCmd calls the callback with a sink where the process can push the data
iex>!(~w(cat), input: fn sink ->
...>, fn num -> "#{num} " end)
...> |> Stream.into(sink) # push to the external process
...> |>
...> end)
...> |> Stream.take(100) # we must limit since the input stream is infinite
...> |> Enum.into("")
"1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 "
```!(~w(cat), input: fn sink ->
Enum.into(1..100, sink, &to_string/1)
When the command wait for the input stream to close
* `exit_timeout` - Time to wait for external program to exit.
After writing all of the input we close the stdin stream and
wait for external program to finish and exit. If program does
not exit within `exit_timeout` an error will be raised and
subsequently program will be killed in background. Defaults
timeout is `:infinity`.
# base64 command wait for the input to close and writes data to stdout at once
iex>!(~w(base64), input: ["abcdef"])
...> |> Enum.into("")
`stream!/2` raises non-zero exit as error
All other options are passed to `ExCmd.Process.start_link/2`
iex>!(["sh", "-c", "echo 'foo' && exit 10"])
...> |> Enum.to_list()
** (ExCmd.Stream.AbnormalExit) program exited with exit status: 10
## Examples
`stream/2` variant returns exit status as last element
```!(~w(ffmpeg -i pipe:0 -f mp3 pipe:1), input:!("music_video.mkv", [], 65336))
|> Stream.into(!("music.mp3"))
iex>["sh", "-c", "echo 'foo' && exit 10"])
...> |> Enum.to_list()
{:exit, {:status, 10}} # returns exit status of the program as last element
With input as binary
You can fetch exit_status from the error for `stream!/2`
iex>!(~w(cat), input: "Hello World")
...> |> Enum.into("")
"Hello World"
iex> try do
...>!(["sh", "-c", "exit 10"])
...> |> Enum.to_list()
...> rescue
...> e in ExCmd.Stream.AbnormalExit ->
...> e.exit_status
...> end
With `max_chunk_size` set
iex>!(~w(base64), input: <<1, 2, 3, 4, 5>>)
...> |> Enum.into("")
iex> data =
...>!(~w(cat /dev/urandom), max_chunk_size: 100, ignore_epipe: true)
...> |> Stream.take(5)
...> |> Enum.into("")
iex> byte_size(data)
With input as list
When input and output run at different rate
iex>!(~w(cat), input: ["Hello ", "World"])
iex> input_stream =, fn num -> "X #{num} X\n" end)
iex>!(~w(grep 250), input: input_stream)
...> |> Enum.into("")
"Hello World"
"X 250 X\n"
With input as iodata
With stderr set to :redirect_to_stdout
iex>!(~w(base64), input: [<<1, 2,>>, [3], [<<4, 5>>]])
iex>!(["sh", "-c", "echo foo; echo bar >> /dev/stderr"], stderr: :redirect_to_stdout)
...> |> Enum.into("")
When program exit abnormally it will raise
`ExCmd.Stream.AbnormalExit` error with exit_status.
With stderr set to :disable
iex> try do
...>!(["sh", "-c", "exit 5"]) |> Enum.to_list()
...> rescue
...> e in ExCmd.Stream.AbnormalExit ->
...> e.exit_status
...> end
iex>!(["sh", "-c", "echo foo; echo bar >> /dev/stderr"], stderr: :disable)
...> |> Enum.to_list()
For more details about stream API, see `!/2` and ``.
For more details about inner working, please check `ExCmd.Process`

use Application

@doc false
def start(_type, _args) do
opts = [
name: ExCmd.WatcherSupervisor,
strategy: :one_for_one

# We use DynamicSupervisor for cleaning up external processes on
# :init.stop or SIGTERM

@doc ~S"""
Runs the command with arguments and return an the stdout as lazily
Enumerable stream, similar to [`Stream`](
First parameter must be a list containing command with arguments.
Example: `["cat", "file.txt"]`.
### Options
* `input` - Input can be either an `Enumerable` or a function which accepts `Collectable`.
* Enumerable:
# List!(~w(base64), input: ["hello", "world"]) |> Enum.to_list()
# Stream!(~w(cat), input:!("log.txt", [], 65_531)) |> Enum.to_list()
* Collectable:
If the input in a function with arity 1, ExCmd will call that function
with a `Collectable` as the argument. The function must *push* input to this
collectable. Return value of the function is ignored.
```!(~w(cat), input: fn sink -> Enum.into(1..100, sink, &to_string/1) end)
|> Enum.to_list()
By defaults no input is sent to the command.
* `exit_timeout` - Duration to wait for external program to exit after completion
(when stream ends). Defaults to `:infinity`
* `max_chunk_size` - Maximum size of iodata chunk emitted by the stream.
Chunk size can be less than the `max_chunk_size` depending on the amount of
data available to be read. Defaults to 65_531. Value must <= 65_531 and > 0.
* `stderr` - different ways to handle stderr stream.
1. `:console` - stderr output is redirected to console (Default)
2. `:redirect_to_stdout` - stderr output is redirected to stdout
3. `:disable` - stderr output is redirected `/dev/null` suppressing all output
See [`:stderr`](`m:ExCmd.Process#module-stderr`) for more details and issues associated with them.
* `ignore_epipe` - When set to true, reader can exit early without raising error.
Typically writer gets `EPIPE` error on write when program terminate prematurely.
With `ignore_epipe` set to true this error will be ignored. This can be used to
match UNIX shell default behaviour. EPIPE is the error raised when the reader finishes
the reading and close output pipe before command completes. Defaults to `false`.
Remaining options are passed to `ExCmd.Process.start_link/2`
If program exits with non-zero exit status or :epipe then `ExCmd.Stream.AbnormalExit`
error will be raised with `exit_status` field set.
### Examples
```!(~w(ffmpeg -i pipe:0 -f mp3 pipe:1), input:!("music_video.mkv", [], 65_535))
|> Stream.into(!("music.mp3"))
Stream with stderr redirected to stdout
```!(["sh", "-c", "echo foo; echo bar >> /dev/stderr"], stderr: :redirect_to_stdout)
@type collectable_func() :: (Collectable.t() -> any())

@spec stream!(nonempty_list(String.t()),
input: Enum.t() | collectable_func(),
exit_timeout: timeout(),
cd: String.t(),
env: [{String.t(), String.t()}],
log: boolean()
stderr: :console | :redirect_to_stdout | :disable | :consume,
ignore_epipe: boolean(),
max_chunk_size: pos_integer()
) :: ExCmd.Stream.t()
def stream!(cmd_with_args, opts \\ []) do
ExCmd.Stream.__build__(cmd_with_args, opts)
ExCmd.Stream.__build__(cmd_with_args, Keyword.put(opts, :stream_exit_status, false))

@doc ~S"""
Same as `!/2` but the program exit status is passed as last
element of the stream.
The last element will be of the form `{:exit, term()}`. `term` will be a
positive integer in case of normal exit and `:epipe` in case of epipe error
See `!/2` documentation for details about the options and
@spec stream(nonempty_list(String.t()),
input: Enum.t() | collectable_func(),
exit_timeout: timeout(),
stderr: :console | :redirect_to_stdout | :disable | :consume,
ignore_epipe: boolean(),
max_chunk_size: pos_integer()
) :: ExCmd.Stream.t()
def stream(cmd_with_args, opts \\ []) do
ExCmd.Stream.__build__(cmd_with_args, Keyword.put(opts, :stream_exit_status, true))
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions lib/ex_cmd/process.ex
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ defmodule ExCmd.Process do
@type caller :: GenServer.from()

@default_opts [env: [], stderr: :console, log: nil]
@default_buffer_size 65_535
@default_buffer_size 65_531

@doc false
defmacro send_input, do: 1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -449,7 +449,7 @@ defmodule ExCmd.Process do
@spec read(t, pos_integer()) :: {:ok, iodata} | :eof | {:error, any()}
def read(process, max_size \\ @default_buffer_size)
when is_integer(max_size) and max_size > 0 do
when is_integer(max_size) and max_size > 0 and max_size <= @default_buffer_size do, {:read_stdout, max_size}, :infinity)

Expand Down

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