App for usage analytics (data statistics)
Make sure you have at least the following versions of node
and npm
- Node version v5.6.0 or higher
- npm version 3.8.0 or higher
Use the following commands to check your current versions
node -v
npm -v
Clone the repository from github with the following command
git clone
Install the node dependencies
npm install
To set up your DHIS2 instance to work with the development service you will need to add the development servers address to the CORS whitelist. You can do this within the DHIS2 Settings app under the access tab. On the access tab add http://localhost:8081
to the CORS Whitelist.
For testing purposes this app assumes your dhis2 instance is located at
and that you have an account available with usernameadmin
and passworddistrict
. If this you do not have these settings available change them in the following locations username and password and/or server location.
This should allow you to be able to run the following node commands
To run the development server
npm start
For more information: