NB: Please Read this
** Before you push into our repository ** Remember to pull what is currently there ** Note pull it right before you push ** ** This is not the pull you do when you want to ** make changes but after you finished with the ** changes. ** ** Therefore you do two pushes!!!! ** 1. Pull ** 2. Make changes ** 3. Pull again ** 4. Push
** please tell us the changes you made on each ** particular day in this README file ** with you name ** eg is the one below Team CliGo
** By Philip on Tue July 24, 2012 11:59:3 AM: ** ** Created the django project cligo ************
** By Philip on Tue July 25, 2012 11:59:3 AM: ** ** Register users into cligo with validation**** ** Sent reply back after validateion************
** By Philip on Tue July 26, 2012 11:59:3 AM: ** ** Setup system which sends specific messages ** ** to specific users this code is at the ******* ** development stage ***************************
** By Philip on Tue July 27, 2012 11:59:3 AM: ** ** Finished 85% work of previous day work i.e.** ** Updated the week period successfully ******* ** without making any changes to the current *** ** subscriber week table and without creating*** ** any new tables. ** 2. Created a JSON for initial database ****** ** entry for the Hospitals(30) and change**** ** some fields.****************************** ** 3. Made serious changes to the main.py file** ** in cron. I Hope this doesn't give any **** ** problem now. ***************************** ** so you install that file for your cron ** ** is 99.99% bug free! ********************* ** 4. Added Afiday app to project access it by** ** localhost:8000/afiday ******************
NB: How to get the above working on local
After cloning from the repository
get into your django_cron folder
do python setup.py install
do a syncdb to synchronize and populate your database.
create a device and add the key value to the device.
Start server
get into the python client folder and run sudo python main.py terminal django
It Should be working..... Woohoo