Goodby CSV is a highly memory efficient, flexible and extendable open-source CSV import/export library.
use Goodby\CSV\Import\Standard\Lexer;
use Goodby\CSV\Import\Standard\Interpreter;
use Goodby\CSV\Import\Standard\LexerConfig;
$lexer = new Lexer(new LexerConfig());
$interpreter = new Interpreter();
$interpreter->addObserver(function(array $row) {
// do something here.
// for example, insert $row to database.
$lexer->parse('data.csv', $interpreter);
This library was designed for low memory usage. It will not accumulate all the rows in the memory. The importer reads a CSV file and executes a callback function line by line.
This library supports mulitbyte input/output: for example, SJIS-win, EUC-JP and UTF-8.
Goodby CSV is fully unit-tested. The library is stable and ready to be used in large projects like enterprise applications.
- PHP 5.3.2 or later
- mbstring
Install composer in your project:
curl -s | php
Create a composer.json
file in your project root:
"require": {
"goodby/csv": "*"
Install via composer:
php composer.phar install
Import configuration:
use Goodby\CSV\Import\Standard\LexerConfig;
$config = new LexerConfig();
->setDelimiter("\t") // Customize delimiter. Default value is comma(,)
->setEnclosure("'") // Customize enclosure. Default value is double quotation(")
->setEscape("\\") // Customize escape character. Default value is backslash(\)
->setToCharset('UTF-8') // Customize target encoding. Default value is null, no converting.
->setFromCharset('SJIS-win') // Customize CSV file encoding. Default value is null.
Export configuration:
use Goodby\CSV\Export\Standard\ExporterConfig;
$config = new ExporterConfig();
->setDelimiter("\t") // Customize delimiter. Default value is comma(,)
->setEnclosure("'") // Customize enclosure. Default value is double quotation(")
->setEscape("\\") // Customize escape character. Default value is backslash(\)
->setToCharset('SJIS-win') // Customize file encoding. Default value is null, no converting.
->setFromCharset('UTF-8') // Customize source encoding. Default value is null.
->setFileMode(CsvFileObject::FILE_MODE_WRITE) // Customize file mode and choose either write or append. Default value is write ('w'). See fopen() php docs
By default, Goodby CSV throws StrictViolationException
when it finds a row with a different column count to other columns. In the case you want to import such a CSV, you can call Interpreter::unstrict()
to disable row consistency check at import.
use Goodby\CSV\Import\Standard\Interpreter;
use Goodby\CSV\Import\Standard\Lexer;
use Goodby\CSV\Import\Standard\LexerConfig;
$interpreter = new Interpreter();
$interpreter->unstrict(); // Ignore row column count consistency
$lexer = new Lexer(new LexerConfig());
$lexer->parse('rough.csv', $interpreter);
1,alice,[email protected]
2,bob,[email protected]
3,carol,[email protected]
use Goodby\CSV\Import\Standard\Lexer;
use Goodby\CSV\Import\Standard\Interpreter;
use Goodby\CSV\Import\Standard\LexerConfig;
$pdo = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test', 'root', 'root');
$pdo->query('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS user (id INT, `name` VARCHAR(255), email VARCHAR(255))');
$config = new LexerConfig();
$lexer = new Lexer($config);
$interpreter = new Interpreter();
$interpreter->addObserver(function(array $columns, $url) use ($pdo) {
$stmt = $pdo->prepare('INSERT INTO user (id, name, email) VALUES (?, ?, ?)');
$lexer->parse('user.csv', $interpreter);
9 Tokyo
27 Singapore
-5 Seoul
7 Shanghai
use Goodby\CSV\Import\Standard\Lexer;
use Goodby\CSV\Import\Standard\Interpreter;
use Goodby\CSV\Import\Standard\LexerConfig;
$temperature = array();
$config = new LexerConfig();
$lexer = new Lexer($config);
$interpreter = new Interpreter();
$interpreter->addObserver(function(array $row, $url) use (&$temperature) {
$temperature[] = array(
'temperature' => $row[0],
'city' => $row[1],
$lexer->parse('temperature.tsv', $interpreter);
use Goodby\CSV\Export\Standard\Exporter;
use Goodby\CSV\Export\Standard\ExporterConfig;
$config = new ExporterConfig();
$exporter = new Exporter($config);
$exporter->export('php://output', array(
array('1', 'alice', '[email protected]'),
array('2', 'bob', '[email protected]'),
array('3', 'carol', '[email protected]'),
use Goodby\CSV\Export\Standard\Exporter;
use Goodby\CSV\Export\Standard\ExporterConfig;
use Goodby\CSV\Export\Standard\CsvFileObject;
use Goodby\CSV\Export\Standard\Collection\PdoCollection;
$pdo = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test', 'root', 'root');
$pdo->query('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS user (id INT, `name` VARCHAR(255), email VARCHAR(255))');
$pdo->query("INSERT INTO user VALUES(1, 'alice', '[email protected]')");
$pdo->query("INSERT INTO user VALUES(2, 'bob', '[email protected]')");
$pdo->query("INSERT INTO user VALUES(3, 'carol', '[email protected]')");
$config = new ExporterConfig();
$exporter = new Exporter($config);
$stmt = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM user");
$exporter->export('php://output', new PdoCollection($stmt));
use Goodby\CSV\Export\Standard\Exporter;
use Goodby\CSV\Export\Standard\ExporterConfig;
use Goodby\CSV\Export\Standard\Collection\CallbackCollection;
$data = array();
$data[] = array('user', 'name1');
$data[] = array('user', 'name2');
$data[] = array('user', 'name3');
$collection = new CallbackCollection($data, function($row) {
// apply custom format to the row
$row[1] = $row[1] . '!';
return $row;
$config = new ExporterConfig();
$exporter = new Exporter($config);
$exporter->export('php://stdout', $collection);
namespace AcmeBundle\ExampleBundle\Controller;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\StreamedResponse;
class DefaultController extends Controller
public function csvExportAction()
$conn = $this->get('database_connection');
$stmt = $conn->prepare('SELECT * FROM somewhere');
$response = new StreamedResponse();
$response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'text/csv');
$response->setCallback(function() use($stmt) {
$config = new ExporterConfig();
$exporter = new Exporter($config);
$exporter->export('php://output', new PdoCollection($stmt->getIterator()));
return $response;
Csv is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
We works under test driven development.
Checkout master source code from github:
hub clone goodby/csv
Install components via composer:
# If you don't have composer.phar
./scripts/ .
# If you have composer.phar
composer.phar install --dev
Run phpunit:
Credits are found within composer.json file.