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Shared variance via SplitLayer (#43)
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implement learned/shared/fixed/unit variance and properly test all cases
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nmheim authored Nov 1, 2020
1 parent e0cd6bc commit 5d0c37b
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Project.toml
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name = "ConditionalDists"
uuid = "c648c4dd-c1e0-49a6-84b9-144ae7fd2468"
authors = ["Niklas Heim <[email protected]>"]
version = "0.4.5"
version = "0.4.6"

ChainRulesCore = "d360d2e6-b24c-11e9-a2a3-2a2ae2dbcce4"
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# ConditionalDists.jl

Conditional probability distributions powered by Flux.jl and Distributions.jl.
Conditional probability distributions powered by Flux.jl and DistributionsAD.jl.

The conditional PDFs that are defined in this package can be used in
conjunction with Flux models to provide trainable mappings. As an example,
assume you want to learn the mapping from a conditional to an MvNormal. The
mapping `m` takes a vector `x` and maps it to a mean `μ` and a variance `σ`,
which can be achieved by using a `ConditionalDists.SplitLayer` as the last
layer in your network like the one below: The `SplitLayer` is constructed from
`N` `Dense` layers (with same input size) and outputs `N` vectors:
layer in the network.
julia> m = SplitLayer(2, [3,4])
julia> m = Chain(Dense(2,2,σ), SplitLayer(2, [3,4]))
julia> m(rand(2))
(Float32[0.07946974, 0.13797458, 0.03939067], Float32[0.7006321, 0.37641272, 0.3586885, 0.82230335])
Expand All @@ -40,8 +39,13 @@ julia> z = rand(zlength, batchsize)
julia> logpdf(p,x,z)
julia> rand(p, randn(zlength, 10))
The trainable parameters (of the `SplitLayer`) are accessible as usual
through `Flux.params`. The next few lines show how to optimize `p` to match a
The trainable parameters (of the `SplitLayer`) are accessible as usual through
`Flux.params`. For different variance configurations (i.e. fixed/unit variance,
etc) check the doc strings with `julia>? ConditionalMvNormal`/`julia>?

The next few lines show how to optimize `p` to match a
given Gaussian by using the `kl_divergence` defined in

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58 changes: 49 additions & 9 deletions src/cond_mvnormal.jl
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Specialization of ConditionalDistribution for `MvNormal`s for performance.
Does the same as ConditionalDistribution(MvNormal,m) for vector inputs (to e.g.
mean/logpdf). For batches of inputs a `BatchMvNormal` is constructed that does
Specialization of ConditionalDistribution for `MvNormal`s (for performance with
batches of inputs). Does the same as ConditionalDistribution(MvNormal,m)
but for batches of inputs a `BatchMvNormal` is constructed that does
not just map over the batch but uses faster matrix multiplications.
The mapping `m` must return either a `Tuple` with mean and variance, or just a
mean vector. If the output of `m` is just a vector, the variance is assumed to
be a fixed unit variance.
# Examples
julia> m = ConditionalDists.SplitLayer(100,[100,100])
julia> m = SplitLayer(100,[100,100])
julia> p = ConditionalMvNormal(m)
julia> @time rand(p, rand(100,10000);
julia> @time rand(p, rand(100,10000);
Expand All @@ -26,6 +21,51 @@ julia> @time rand(p, rand(100,10000);
3.626042 seconds (159.97 k allocations: 18.681 GiB, 34.92% gc time)
The mapping `m` must return a `Tuple` with mean and variance.
For a convenient way of doing this you can use a `SplitLayer`.
# Examples
`ConditionalMvNormal` and `SplitLayer` together support 3 different variance
configurations: fixed/unit variance, shared variance, and trained variance. The
three different configurations are explained below.
## Fixed/unit variance
Pass a function to the `SplitLayer` that returns the fixed variance with
appropriate batch dimensions
julia> σ(x::Vector) = 2
julia> σ(x::Matrix) = ones(Float32,size(x,2)) .* 2
julia> m = SplitLayer(Dense(2,3), σ)
julia> p = ConditionalMvNormal(m)
julia> condition(p,rand(Float32,2)) isa DistributionsAD.TuringScalMvNormal
Passing a mapping with a single output array assumes unit variance.
## Shared variance
For a learned variance that is the same across the the whole batch, simply pass
a vector (or scalar) to the `SplitLayer`. The `SplitLayer` wraps vectors/scalars
into a `TrainableVector`s/`TrainableScalar`s.
julia> m = SplitLayer(Dense(2,3), ones(Float32,3))
julia> p = ConditionalMvNormal(m)
julia> condition(p,rand(Float32,2)) isa DistributionsAD.TuringDiagMvNormal
## Trained variance
Simply pass another trainable mapping for the variance. By just supplying input
sizes to `SplitLayer` you can automatically create `Dense` layers with given
activation functions. In this example the second activation function makes sure
that the variance is always positive
julia> m = SplitLayer(2,[3,1],[identity,abs])
julia> p = ConditionalMvNormal(m)
julia> condition(p,rand(Float32,2)) isa DistributionsAD.TuringScalMvNormal
struct ConditionalMvNormal{Tm} <: AbstractConditionalDistribution
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A layer that calls a number of sublayers/mappings with the same input and
returns a tuple of their outputs. Can be used in a regular Flux model:
julia> m = Chain(Dense(2,3), SplitLayer(Dense(3,2), x->x .* 2))
julia> length(params(m)) == 4
julia> (x,y) = m(rand(2))
(Float32[-1.0541434, 1.1694773], Float32[-3.1472511, -0.86115724, -0.39665926])
Comes with a convenient constructor for a SplitLayer built from Dense layers
with given activation(s):
julia> m = Chain(Dense(2,3), SplitLayer(3, [2,5], σ))
julia> (x,y) = m(rand(2))
(Float32[0.3069554, 0.3362006], Float32[0.437131, 0.4982477, 0.6465078, 0.4523438, 0.5068563])
You can also provide just a vector / scalar that should be trained but have the
same value for all inputs (like a lonely bias vector). This functionality is
provided by the `TrainableVector`/`TrainableScalar` types. For vector inputs
they simply return the array they are wrapping. For matrix (i.e. batch) inputs
they return appropriately repeated arrays:
julia> m = SplitLayer(Dense(2,3), ones(Float32,3))
julia> length(params(m)) == 3
julia> (x,y) = m(rand(2,5))
julia> size(y) == (3,5)
julia> y
3×3 Array{Float32,2}:
1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0
struct SplitLayer{T<:Tuple}

SplitLayer(xs...) = SplitLayer(xs)
SplitLayer(layers...) = SplitLayer(map(maybe_trainable, layers))

function (m::SplitLayer)(x)
Tuple(layer(x) for layer in m.layers)

@functor SplitLayer

# for use as e.g. shared variance
struct TrainableVector{T<:AbstractArray}
(v::TrainableVector)(x::AbstractVector) = v.v
(v::TrainableVector)(x::AbstractMatrix) = v.v .* reshape(fillsimilar(v.v,size(x,ndims(x)),1),1,:)
(v::TrainableVector)() = v.v
@functor TrainableVector

# for use as e.g. shared variance
struct TrainableScalar{T<:Real}
TrainableScalar{T}(x::T) where T<:Real = new{T}([x])
TrainableScalar(x::T) where T<:Real = TrainableScalar{T}(x)
(s::TrainableScalar)(x::AbstractVector) = s.s[1]
(s::TrainableScalar)(x::AbstractMatrix) = fillsimilar(x,size(x,ndims(x)),1) .* s.s
@functor TrainableScalar

maybe_trainable(x) = x
maybe_trainable(x::AbstractArray) = TrainableVector(x)
maybe_trainable(x::Real) = TrainableScalar(x)

fillsimilar(x::AbstractArray, s::Tuple, value::Real) = fill!(similar(x, s...), value)
fillsimilar(x::AbstractArray, s, value::Real) = fill!(similar(x, s), value)
@non_differentiable fillsimilar(::Any, ::Any, ::Any)
183 changes: 76 additions & 107 deletions test/cond_mvnormal.jl
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Expand Up @@ -3,115 +3,84 @@
xlength = 3
zlength = 2
batchsize = 10
m = SplitLayer(zlength, [xlength,xlength], [identity,abs])
p = ConditionalMvNormal(m) |> gpu

# MvNormal
res = condition(p, rand(zlength) |> gpu)
μ = mean(res)
σ2 = var(res)
@test res isa TuringDiagMvNormal
@test size(μ) == (xlength,)
@test size(σ2) == (xlength,)
σvector(x::AbstractVector) = ones(Float32,xlength) .* 3
σvector(x::AbstractMatrix) = ones(Float32,xlength,size(x,2)) .* 3
σscalar(x::AbstractVector) = 2
σscalar(x::AbstractMatrix) = ones(Float32,size(x,2)) .* 2

x = rand(Float32, xlength) |> gpu
z = rand(Float32, zlength) |> gpu
loss() = logpdf(p,x,z)
ps = Flux.params(p)
@test_broken loss() isa Float32
@test_nowarn Flux.gradient(loss, ps)

f() = sum(rand(p,z))
@test_broken Flux.gradient(f, ps)

# BatchDiagMvNormal
res = condition(p, rand(zlength,batchsize)|>gpu)
μ = mean(res)
σ2 = var(res)
@test res isa ConditionalDists.BatchDiagMvNormal
@test size(μ) == (xlength,batchsize)
@test size(σ2) == (xlength,batchsize)

x = rand(Float32, xlength, batchsize) |> gpu
z = rand(Float32, zlength, batchsize) |> gpu
loss() = sum(logpdf(p,x,z))
ps = Flux.params(p)
@test length(ps) == 4
@test loss() isa Float32
@test_nowarn gs = Flux.gradient(loss, ps)

f() = sum(rand(p,z))
@test_nowarn Flux.gradient(f, ps)

# BatchScalMvNormal
m = SplitLayer(zlength, [xlength,1])
p = ConditionalMvNormal(m) |> gpu

res = condition(p, rand(zlength,batchsize)|>gpu)
μ = mean(res)
σ2 = var(res)
@test res isa ConditionalDists.BatchScalMvNormal
@test size(μ) == (xlength,batchsize)
@test size(σ2) == (xlength,batchsize)

x = rand(Float32, xlength, batchsize) |> gpu
z = rand(Float32, zlength, batchsize) |> gpu
loss() = sum(logpdf(p,x,z))
ps = Flux.params(p)
@test length(ps) == 4
@test loss() isa Float32
@test_nowarn gs = Flux.gradient(loss, ps)

f() = sum(rand(p,z))
@test_nowarn Flux.gradient(f, ps)

# Unit variance
m = Dense(zlength,xlength)
p = ConditionalMvNormal(m) |> gpu

res = condition(p, rand(zlength,batchsize)|>gpu)
μ = mean(res)
σ2 = var(res)
@test res isa ConditionalDists.BatchScalMvNormal
@test size(μ) == (xlength,batchsize)
@test size(σ2) == (xlength,batchsize)

x = rand(Float32, xlength, batchsize) |> gpu
z = rand(Float32, zlength, batchsize) |> gpu
loss() = sum(logpdf(p,x,z))
ps = Flux.params(p)
@test length(ps) == 2
@test loss() isa Float32
@test_nowarn gs = Flux.gradient(loss, ps)

f() = sum(rand(p,z))
@test_nowarn Flux.gradient(f, ps)

# Fixed scalar variance
m = Dense(zlength,xlength)
σ(x::AbstractVector) = 2
σ(x::AbstractMatrix) = ones(Float32,size(x,2)) .* 2
p = ConditionalMvNormal(SplitLayer(m,σ)) |> gpu

res = condition(p, rand(zlength,batchsize)|>gpu)
μ = mean(res)
σ2 = var(res)
@test res isa ConditionalDists.BatchScalMvNormal
@test size(μ) == (xlength,batchsize)
@test size(σ2) == (xlength,batchsize)

x = rand(Float32, xlength, batchsize) |> gpu
z = rand(Float32, zlength, batchsize) |> gpu
loss() = sum(logpdf(p,x,z))
ps = Flux.params(p)
@test length(ps) == 2
@test loss() isa Float32
@test_nowarn gs = Flux.gradient(loss, ps)

f() = sum(rand(p,z))
@test_nowarn Flux.gradient(f, ps)

X = rand(Float32, xlength, batchsize) |> gpu
Z = rand(Float32, zlength, batchsize) |> gpu

cases = [
("vector μ / vector σ",
SplitLayer(zlength, [xlength,xlength], [identity,abs]), Vector, 4),
("vector μ / scalar σ",
SplitLayer(zlength, [xlength,1], [identity,abs]), Real, 4),
("vector μ / fixed vector σ",
SplitLayer(Dense(zlength,xlength), σvector), Vector, 2),
("vector μ / fixed scalar σ",
SplitLayer(Dense(zlength,xlength), σscalar), Real, 2),
("vector μ / unit σ",
Dense(zlength,xlength), Real, 2),
("vector μ / shared, trainable vector σ",
SplitLayer(Dense(zlength,xlength), ones(Float32,xlength)), Vector, 3),
("vector μ / shared, trainable scalar σ",
SplitLayer(Dense(zlength,xlength), 1f0), Real, 3)

disttypes(::Type{<:Vector}) = (TuringDiagMvNormal,ConditionalDists.BatchDiagMvNormal)
disttypes(::Type{<:Real}) = (TuringScalMvNormal,ConditionalDists.BatchScalMvNormal)
σsize(::Type{<:Vector}) = (xlength,)
σsize(::Type{<:Real}) = ()

for (name,mapping,T,nrps) in cases
@testset "$name" begin
p = ConditionalMvNormal(mapping) |> gpu
(Texample,Tbatch) = disttypes(T)

res = condition(p,z)
μ = mean(res)
σ2 = var(res)
@test res isa Texample
@test size(μ) == (xlength,)
@test size(σ2) == σsize(T)

loss() = logpdf(p,x,z)
ps = Flux.params(p)
@test length(ps) == nrps
@test loss() isa Float32
@test_nowarn Flux.gradient(loss, ps)

f() = sum(rand(p,z))
gs = Flux.gradient(f,ps)
for p in ps
g = gs[p]
@test all(isfinite.(g)) && all(g .!= 0)

# batch tests
res = condition(p,Z)
μ = mean(res)
σ2 = var(res)
@test res isa Tbatch
@test size(μ) == (xlength,batchsize)
@test size(σ2) == (xlength,batchsize)

loss() = sum(logpdf(p,X,Z))
@test loss() isa Float32
@test_nowarn Flux.gradient(loss, ps)

f() = sum(rand(p,Z))
gs = Flux.gradient(f,ps)
for p in ps
g = gs[p]
@test all(isfinite.(g)) && all(g .!= 0)

2 comments on commit 5d0c37b

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@nmheim nmheim commented on 5d0c37b Nov 1, 2020

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