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Oppstartsuka BIELDIG og BIAIS 2024

Repo for oppstartsuka til BIELDIG og BIAIS i 2024. Her finner du alle filene du vil trenge for det faglige opplegget. Last gjerne ned hele repo-et som en .zip fil ved å trykke på den grønne knappen "<> Code".

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Car-library guide for the ESP32/Zumo


The carLibrary exposes a class named Car. Its constructor accepts a network name and password.

Car car("networkName", "networkPassword");

In the program setup call the member function initCar.

void setup() {

Buttons and driving

The carLibrary exposes three void functions named triangle, circle and square. These are called when the corresponding buttons on the control panel are pressed, and released. They all accept a parameter bool button indicating whether the button is pressed down or released. The defined helpers UP and DOWN can be used to check the button direction.

void triangle(bool button) {
  if (button == UP) {
      // button is released
  if (button == DOWN) {
      // button is pressed

To drive the car use the member function drive. This takes two arguments representing the speed of the left and right belt. These arguments are integers ranging from -100 to 100.

// drive forward max speed,100);

// stop car,0);

// sharp turn left at half speed, 50);

Driving with low speeds can be harmful to the motors. A MOTOR_LOWER_LIMIT has therefor been placed at 30. Trying to drive with speeds under this limit will result in the car stopping.

Sensor data

Sensor data can be fetched through the data array on the Car class. Each data point contains a value and flag. All data values are integers and are updated roughly 20 times per second. Whenever a data value is updated the data flag is set to true.

// reading data continously
int proxData =[PROXIMITY].value;

// read data when it is available
if ([PROXIMITY].flag) {
   int proxData =[PROXIMITY].value;[PROXIMITY].flag = false;

The available data can be fetched using the defined helpers.

Data Range Details
PROXIMITY 0 → 12 The closer the object the higher the value.
LINE -100 → 100 When the line is to the right of the car the number is positive.
ENCODERS n/a Encoder counts 12 times per motor rotation.
READ_TIME n/a Time corresponding to one encoder reading in ms.
GYRO -180 → 180 Car angle along the z axis.

Motor rotations: Because of the 75:1 gear ratio in the motor every 75th motor rotation corresponds to one rotation of the wheel.


  • To calibrate the gyroscope use the member function calibrateGyro. This accepts an unsigned integer indicating the precision of the calibration. This value may typically be in the range of 1024 to 4096, although a higher number leads to better precision. The car must be completely still when calibrating. The buzzer will sound when calibration is done.
// calibrate gyro with 2048 as precision
  • To calibrate the line sensors use the member function calibrateLine. This accepts a helper BLACK or WHITE indicating whether the car should read a dark line on a light background or the opposite. The car must be placed on a line when calibrating. The buzzer will sound when calibration is done.
// follow dark line

Graphing data

The control panel can graph three seperate data streams. The member function sendData accepts two arguments; an int specifying the graph and the data to send.

// send gyroscope data to graph 1

// send variable speed to graph 3
car.sendData(3, speed);

To send continous data call the function in the program loop. The function will update the graph data roughly 10 times per second.


Repo for oppstartsuka til BIELDIG og BIAIS i 2024.






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