S3DB Connectivity is a browser module for interacting with S3DB, the Simple and Sloppy Semantic Database.
- Login
- S3QL queries
- Regular and cached SPARQL queries
- Custom error handler
- Debug mode
- RequireJS support
S3DB Connectivity depends on jQuery.
<!-- S3DB Connectivity depends on jQuery. -->
<script src="jquery.js"></script>
<script src="s3db-connectivity.js"></script>
(function () {
"use strict";
var deployment;
deployment = "YOUR_DEPLOYMENT";
// First step: set S3DB deployment.
// Second step: retrieve data.
s3dbc.selectItemsByCollection("YOUR_COLLECTION_ID", function (err, items) {
if (err !== null) {
console.error("Retrieving items failed.", err);
} else {
console.log("Retrieving items succeeded.", items);
<!-- S3DB Connectivity depends on jQuery. -->
<script src="jquery.js"></script>
<script src="s3db-connectivity.js"></script>
(function () {
var deployment, username, password;
deployment = "YOUR_DEPLOYMENT";
username = "YOUR_USERNAME";
password = "YOUR_PASSWORD";
// First step: set S3DB deployment.
// Second step: login.
s3dbc.login(username, password, function (err, key) {
if (err !== null) {
console.error("Login failed.", err);
} else {
console.log("Login succeeded.");
// Third step: set key.
// Fourth step: retrieve data.
s3dbc.selectItemsByCollection("YOUR_COLLECTION_ID", function (err, items) {
if (err !== null) {
console.error("Retrieving items failed.", err);
} else {
console.log("Retrieving items succeeded.", items);
The first argument of a callback function is reserved for an error object, a useful convention to allow error catching in asynchronous programming. If an error object is null
no error occurred.
setDeployment(string deployment)
setKey(string key)
setDebug(boolean debug)
Enable or disable debug mode (default: false)
login(string username, string password, (err, string key) callback)
selectItem(string itemId, (err, array results) callback)
selectItemsByCollection(string collectionId, (err, array results) callback)
insertItem(string collectionId, string notes, (err, array results) callback)
updateItem(string itemId, string notes, (err, array results) callback)
deleteItem(string itemId, (err, array results) callback)
selectStatementsByItem(string itemId, (err, array results) callback)
selectStatementsByRuleAndItem(string ruleId, string itemId, (err, array results) callback)
selectStatementsByRuleAndValue(string ruleId, string value, (err, array results) callback)
selectStatementsByRuleAndItemAndValue(string ruleId, string itemId, string value, (err, array results) callback)
insertStatement(string itemId, string ruleId, string value, (err, array results) callback)
updateStatement(string statementId, string value, (err, array results) callback)
deleteStatement(string statementId, (err, array results) callback)
s3qlQuery(string query, (err, array results) callback)
sparqlQuery(string query, (err, array results) callback)
cachedSparqlQuery(string query, (err, array results) callback)