Software to control 7-segment displays.
Based on code found in the comments section of the SparkFun Hookup Guide. Thanks to Member #910971 and Member #642108.
This code is further improved to easily support multiple displays, as well as text/numbers, with scrolling.
Tested with the following hardware:
- 7-Segment Display - 6.5" (Red)
- SparkFun Large Digit Driver
- RaspberryPi 4
- SN74AHCT125N Quadruple Bus Buffer Gates With 3-State Outputs
- Adafruit Perma-Proto HAT
It is likely to work with other variants, home made displays and/or drivers based on TPIC6C596, as well as other voltage converters for signal, for example the SparkFun Logic Level Converter.
12v power to the displays are provided externally.
In our case, we swapped the Arduino with a RaspberryPi 4. As the Pi operates with 3.3v signals on the GPIO compared to the 5v of the Arduino, the signal lines (clk, latch, data) needs to be adjusted via a logic level converter.
Segments class parameters, based on the Raspberry BCM pinout:
- bcm_gpio_clock=11 (CLK)
- bcm_gpio_latch=13 (Signals when to switch to the next display)
- bcm_gpio_data=14 (TXD - used to turn each segment on/off)
- num_displays=7 (The number of displays you've chained)
- debug=False (Turns on debug output to console)
- offline=False (Deactivates the actual GPIO-parts, used mainly for dev/tests)