PHP Glide ( for WordPress
composer require aginev/wp-glide
General configuration could be made at your function.php file in your theme.
It's a singleton instance, so you will get just the same object everywhere in your application.
$wpGlide = \WpGlide\WpGlide::getInstance();
// Or
$wpGlide = wp_glide();
You should config WpGlide at least once in your application. The init method could have four parameters and all of them are not required.
// Glide server config. See:
// Image driver
'driver' => 'imagick',
// Watermarks path
'watermarks' => new \League\Flysystem\Filesystem(new \League\Flysystem\Adapter\Local(get_template_directory() . '/assets/img')),
// Base path. By default set to 'img/' and the final URL will look like so:
// Path to WordPress upload directory. If not set the default upload directory will be used.
// Cache path. If not set the cache will be placed in cache directory at the root of the default upload path.
// Or
$wpGlide = wp_glide()->init([...]);
You should register image sizes that will be handled by Glide like so:
$wpGlide->addSize('w128', [
'w' => 128,
'q' => 75,
'fm' => 'pjpg',
'mark' => 'watermark.png',
'markw' => 512,
'markh' => 512,
'markalpha' => 75,
'markfit' => 'fill',
'markpos' => 'center',
])->addSize('w512', [
'w' => 512,
'q' => 75,
'fm' => 'pjpg',
])->addSize('16x9', [
'w' => 16 * 10 * 2,
'h' => 9 * 10 * 2,
'fit' => 'crop',
'q' => 75,
'fm' => 'pjpg',
Then you can get Glide image URL in your views/templates like so:
<!-- Get Glide image URL by it's original URL -->
<img src="<?php echo wp_glide_image('', 'w128'); ?>" />
<!-- Get Glide image URL by it's ID in the WordPress media library -->
<img src="<?php echo wp_glide_image(1, 'w128'); ?>" />
<!-- Result: <img src="//" /> -->
<!-- Note that protocol will be stripped and you do not need to care about it. -->
You can get Glide image base64 encoded version in your views/templates like so:
<!-- Get Glide image URL by it's original URL -->
<img src="<?php echo wp_glide_base64('', 'w128'); ?>" />
<!-- Get Glide image URL by it's ID in the WordPress media library -->
<img src="<?php echo wp_glide_base64(1, 'w128'); ?>" />
<!-- Result: <img src="data:image/jpeg;base64..." /> -->
Everything in this repository is MIT License unless otherwise specified.
MIT © 2018 Atanas Ginev