A basic native WebRTC peer to peer Web App implementation
It includes a web client and a signaling server for clients to connect and do signaling for WebRTC.
It uses adapter.js for WebRTC and socket.io for signaling
Go to the directory that has your Dockerfile and run the following command to build the Docker image. The -t flag lets you tag your image so it's easier to find later using the docker images command:
docker build . -t <your username>/webrtc-app
Run the image you previously built:
docker run -p 8080:80 -e DEBUG=* -d <your username>/webrtc-app
Using this command the app will be accessible at localhost:8080 and running in DEBUG mode
Build the backend:
npm run build
For just running:
npm run dev
Initial code from https://github.com/googlecodelabs/webrtc-web