PowerShell module for using HashiCorp Vault on windows
This PowerShell module can be used for installing, configuring and managing HashiCorp Vault. It works at the moment through the vault.exe and with the vault api.
This Module contains cmdlets for install, configure and managing Hashicorp vault via PowerShell See the Folder Examples.
import-module "C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\PSVault\1.0.1\PSVault.psm1" -Verbose get-command -Module PSVault
- Get-Unzip
- Get-DownloadAndUnzip
- Get-FileFromInternet
- Add-Path
- Remove-StringSpecialCharacter
- Convertfrom-SecureHashAES
- Convert-PlainpasswordtoSecurestring
- Convertto-SecureHashAES
- Get-AESHash
- New-AESKey
- Connect-Vault
- Start-VaultWeb
- Start-VaultTask
- Start-VaultInit
- start-VaultautoUnseal
- Start-Vault
- set-VaultUnseal
- set-VaultSecret
- set-VaultSeal
- Set-VaultPowershellProfile
- set-VaultLDAP
- Stop-VaultTask
- set-vaultconfig
- Remove-vaultauto
- Remove-Vault
- new-VaultSecretEngine
- New-VaultPolicy
- Install-Vault
- get-VaultStatuscode
- Get-VaultStatus
- get-VaultSecretEngine
- get-VaultSecret
- get-Vaultobject
- remove-VaultSecretEngine
- Update-Vault
- Import-PSVaultModule
$Path = "C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\psvault" ;
$files = get-childitem -path $Path -recurse | where {$_.Attributes -eq "Archive" } ;
foreach($file in $files){
write-host " - Unblock $($file.FullName)" ;
Unblock-File -Path $file.FullName