- Volumetric methods (SurfaceNet)
- Depthmap based methods (MVSNet/R-MVSNet and so on)
- Point-Based Multi-View Stereo Network [paper] [supp] [Github] [T-PAMI]
- P-MVSNet: Learning Patch-wise Matching Confidence Aggregation for Multi-view Stereo [paper]
- MVSCRF: Learning Multi-view Stereo with Conditional Random Fields [paper]
- Learning Inverse Depth Regression for Multi-View Stereo with Correlation Cost Volume [paper] [Github]
Cascade Cost Volume for High-Resolutoin Multi-View Stereo and Stereo Matching [paper] [Github]
Deep Stereo using Adaptive Thin Volume Representation with Uncertainty Awareness [paper] [supp] [Github]
Cost Volume Pyramid Based Depth Inference for Multi-View Stereo [paper] [supp] [Github]
Fast-MVSNet: Sparse-to-Dense Multi-View Stereo with Learned Propagation and Gauss-Newton Refinement [paper] [supp] [Github]
Attention-Aware Multi-View Stereo [paper]
A Novel Recurrent Encoder-Decoder Structure for Large-Scale Multi-view Stereo Reconstruction from An Open Aerial Dataset [paper] [Github] [data]
- Pyramid Multi-view Stereo Net with Self-adaptive View aggregation [paper] [Github]
- Dense Hybird Recurrent Multi-view Stereo Net with Dynamic Consistency Checking [paper] [Github]
- Long-range Attention Network for Multi-View Stereo [paper]
- PVSNet: Pixelwise Visibility-Aware Multi-View Stereo Network [paper]
- A Survey on Deep Learning Techniques for Stereo-based Depth Estimation [paper]
DTU [CVPR2014, IJCV2016]
Tanks and Temples [ACM ToG2017]
ETH3D [CVPR2017]
BlendedMVS [CVPR2020]
- Chinese Style Architectures
- http://vision.ia.ac.cn/zh/data/index.html, provided by CASIA.
- Western Style Architectures
- https://colmap.github.io/datasets.html, provided by COLMAP.
- ImageDataset_SceauxCastle, provided by OpenMVG.
- Aerial Dataset
- http://gpcv.whu.edu.cn/data/WHU_MVS_Stereo_dataset.html, provided by WHU.
Welcome to contribute to this Repo!