Freedom20 is a social network to connect, learn, share and ask questions. This mobile application contains free books, blogs from zerodha varsity and latest finance news updated dynamically.
- Android studio 4.1.1
- Android SDK 32
- Supports API level +21
- Java - high-level, class-based, object-oriented programming language
- Retrofit - A type-safe HTTP client for Android and Java
- Gson - A Java serialization/deserialization library to convert Java Objects into JSON and back
- Picasso - A powerful image downloading and caching library for Android
Start by cloning
git clone
- Firebase
Freedom20 uses Firebase as Backend Storage and Authentication
Enable Sign-in with Email and password and Google Sign-in
Do you think you can improve our app in any means? You can add any kind of value, fix bugs or point out issues. Please read contributing guide before proceeding.
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