This repository contains a shiny app developed by Aditi Nagaraj Nallan as part of Assignment B3 in the University of British Columbia graduate course STAT 545. Note that the code has been modified from the original submission to incorporate an interactive map and other aesthetic features.
For this assignment, I have chosen option B which is- develop your own app. Below, I have provided a link to access the app along with some information about the app.
The app is currently deployed on and can be accessed using this link.
In a nutshell, this app is designed to allow users access to information currently displayed on the Residential Care Programs Map. At the moment, this app only performs the basic functions of filtering information based on two citerias, displaying and downloading filtered data. Further developments to the app will include addition of a search box in the interactive map for users to directly search for a facility by name, more detailed pop ups, additional data layers such as public transport routes among other features.
The main purpose of this application was to enable BC residents to easily search for various residential care facility options near them. The application provides details on the types of facilities, the cities they are available in along with information on their address, website link and contact details.
The data for this application was obtained from OpenDataBC. The raw data along with the code and any other relevant information have been made available for public use in this github repository.
Various resources have aided the development of this application and are acknowledged below:
- Dean Attali's app
- App for geospatial data
- Shiny's app gallery
- Resources provided by Instructor