Notable changes
Drupal VM integration has been significantly improved, but is not yet fully complete.
New targets have been added that specifically run tasks on CI or Local environments.
A 'blt' alias has been added. It is no longer necessary to use './' to run BLT targets.
Project generation has been sped up significantly
ACSF vanity domains are now supported.
Preliminary tugboat support has been added.
Deployments have been integrated with Travis CI's new deploy script feature.
Fixed a bug causing some files to remain in the deployment artifact after deletion from the project
Merged pull requests since 8.0.0
June 16, 2016: Tweaking deploy excludes.
June 16, 2016: Updated update scaffold.
June 16, 2016: Defining custom docroot for Drupal VM in project.local.yml.
June 16, 2016: Clarifying load test environments
June 17, 2016: Resolves #166: Speed up GitTest commit-msg checks.
June 15, 2016: Improve composer validation.
June 16, 2016: Changing deploy to use rsync.
June 16, 2016: Allow project.local.yml for different local environments.
June 14, 2016: Minor update scaffold cleanup.
June 14, 2016: Fixing remote repo value.
June 14, 2016: Workin on BLT deploys. (#152)
June 14, 2016: Don't fail on chmod.
June 14, 2016: Cleaning vendor dir of deployment artifact.
June 14, 2016: Adding deploy.dryRun param for deploy:artifact target.
June 13, 2016: Adding PHP Bz2 to Drupal VM config.
June 13, 2016: Fixing failing Behat tests in child project.
June 10, 2016: Improving VM instructions.
June 10, 2016: Created common settings includes file.
June 9, 2016: Update
June 9, 2016: Making chmod on site/default optional.
June 9, 2016: Updated features doc.
June 9, 2016: Update php minimum requirement
June 9, 2016: Improving output of blt:alias.
June 8, 2016: Isolating Bolt PHPunit tests in Bolt subdir.
June 8, 2016: Updating default behat config for bolt updates.
June 8, 2016: Adding a default value for drush.default_alias.
June 8, 2016: Make phpcs test 1st for faster test fail
June 8, 2016: Adding more detailed instructions to log output.
June 8, 2016: DX improvement by adding composer install to
June 8, 2016: Adding local.protocol and local.hostname.
June 8, 2016: Removing unneeded files from update scripts.
June 8, 2016: Updating .gitignore, adding drupal console.
June 8, 2016: Specifying config dir in setup:drupal:install.
June 7, 2016: Allowing delete prompt to be skipped if do.abort = y.
June 7, 2016: build:validate:test is deprecated.
June 7, 2016: Support ACSF vanity domains.
June 6, 2016: Updating instructions output by create command.
June 6, 2016: Removed the now deleted deploy directory from the update-scaffold scr…
June 4, 2016: Fixing incorrect references to bolt.
June 4, 2016: Update
June 8, 2016: Adding Drupal VM 3.1 integration.
June 3, 2016: Updating docs for Drupal VM.
June 3, 2016: Excluding Lightning AJAX Behat tests.
June 3, 2016: Adding tugboat support.
June 4, 2016: Fixing deployments
June 6, 2016: Make vendor name configurable.
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