Based on awesome-python.
Resources to help understand topics.
- Understanding MQTT Topics - Create, understand, and wildcard topics in MQTT.
MQTT in the cloud.
- HiveMQ AWS AMIs - Pre-built AWS images of HiveMQ.
MQTT Brokers including cloud and software based
- HiveMQ - HiveMQ (Comercial/Free version)
MQTT on the Raspberry Pi
- Install Eclipse Mosquitto - Installing Mosquitto on the Raspberry Pi
Your contributions are always welcome! Please take a look at the contribution guidelines first.
I will keep some pull requests open if I'm not sure whether those libraries are awesome, you could vote for them by adding 👍 to them. Pull requests will be merged when their votes reach 20.
If you have any question about this opinionated list, do not hesitate to open an issue on GitHub.