A validation library for the Slim Framework. It internally uses Respect/Validation.
Via Composer
$ composer require davidepastore/slim-validation
Requires Slim 3.0.0 or newer.
In most cases you want to register DavidePastore\Slim\Validation
for a single route, however,
as it is middleware, you can also register it for all routes.
use Respect\Validation\Validator as v;
$app = new \Slim\App();
// Fetch DI Container
$container = $app->getContainer();
// Register provider
$container['apiValidation'] = function () {
//Create the validators
$usernameValidator = v::alnum()->noWhitespace()->length(1, 10);
$ageValidator = v::numeric()->positive()->between(1, 20);
$validators = array(
'username' => $usernameValidator,
'age' => $ageValidator
return new \DavidePastore\Slim\Validation\Validation($validators);
$app->get('/api/myEndPoint',function ($req, $res, $args) {
//Here you expect 'username' and 'age' parameters
//There are errors, read them
$errors = $this->apiValidation->getErrors();
/* $errors contain:
'username' => array(
'"davidepastore" must have a length between 1 and 10',
'age' => array(
'"89" must be lower than or equals 20',
} else {
//No errors
use Respect\Validation\Validator as v;
$app = new \Slim\App();
// Fetch DI Container
$container = $app->getContainer();
// Register provider
$container['validation'] = function () {
//Create the validators
$usernameValidator = v::alnum()->noWhitespace()->length(1, 10);
$ageValidator = v::numeric()->positive()->between(1, 20);
$validators = array(
'username' => $usernameValidator,
'age' => $ageValidator
return new \DavidePastore\Slim\Validation\Validation($validators);
// Register middleware for all routes
// If you are implementing per-route checks you must not add this
$app->get('/foo', function ($req, $res, $args) {
//Here you expect 'username' and 'age' parameters
//There are errors, read them
$errors = $this->validation->getErrors();
/* $errors contain:
'username' => array(
'"davidepastore" must have a length between 1 and 10',
'age' => array(
'"89" must be lower than or equals 20',
} else {
//No errors
$app->post('/bar', function ($req, $res, $args) {
//Here you expect 'username' and 'age' parameters
//There are errors, read them
$errors = $this->validation->getErrors();
} else {
//No errors
You can provide a callable function to translate the errors.
use Respect\Validation\Validator as v;
$app = new \Slim\App();
// Fetch DI Container
$container = $app->getContainer();
// Register provider
$container['validation'] = function () {
//Create the validators
$usernameValidator = v::alnum()->noWhitespace()->length(1, 10);
$ageValidator = v::numeric()->positive()->between(1, 20);
$validators = array(
'username' => $usernameValidator,
'age' => $ageValidator
$translator = function($message){
$messages = [
'These rules must pass for {{name}}' => 'Queste regole devono passare per {{name}}',
'{{name}} must be a string' => '{{name}} deve essere una stringa',
'{{name}} must have a length between {{minValue}} and {{maxValue}}' => '{{name}} deve avere una dimensione di caratteri compresa tra {{minValue}} e {{maxValue}}',
return $messages[$message];
return new \DavidePastore\Slim\Validation\Validation($validators, $translator);
// Register middleware for all routes or only for one...
$ phpunit
Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.