Releases: acdh-oeaw/arche-doorkeeper
Releases · acdh-oeaw/arche-doorkeeper
Check values against controlled vocabularies and standardize PIDs
2.2.1 Run maintainPropertyRangeVocabs() only when requested by the config
castLiteral() checks if numbers are numbers and dates are dates
2.1.0 Adjust the test config
Checks tuning
Checks introduced by 1.9.0 turned out to be too strict for an ontology and vocabulary imports. This release:
- allows to turn off automatically created resources check
- limits the property domain check to resources of classes in the ontology namespace
More strict checks
New checks introduced:
- Check if the BibLaTeX property can be parsed
- Check for presence of automatically created (due to being a metadata triple's object) resources which were never updated with required metadata. The check takes place at the end of transaction and is based on lack of presence of the
metadata property. - Check property domain of all resources being of class defined by the ontology.
Don't promote PID create values to identifiers
1.8.5 Do not promote PID create value to an id