Utilty functions to work with TEI Documents
run pip install acdh-tei-pyutils
some examples on how to use this package
from acdh_tei_pyutils.tei import TeiReader
doc = TeiReader("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/acdh-oeaw/acdh-tei-pyutils/main/acdh_tei_pyutils/files/tei.xml")
>>> <Element {http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0}TEI at 0x7ffb926f9c40>
doc = TeiReader("./acdh_tei_pyutils/files/tei.xml")
>>> <Element {http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0}TEI at 0x7ffb926f9c40>
>>> 'out.xml'
see acdh_tei_pyutils/cli.py for further examples
Batch process a collection of XML/Documents by adding xml:id, xml:base next and prev attributes to the documents root element run:
add-attributes -g "/path/to/your/xmls/*.xml" -b "https://value/of-your/base.com"
add-attributes -g "../../xml/grundbuecher/gb-data/data/editions/*.xml" -b "https://id.acdh.oeaw.ac.at/grundbuecher"
Write mentions as listEvents into index-files:
mentions-to-indices -t "erwähnt in " -i "/path/to/your/xmls/indices/*.xml" -f "/path/to/your/xmls/editions/*.xml"
Write mentions as listEvents of index-files and copy enriched index entries into files
denormalize-indices -f "../../xml/schnitzler/schnitzler-tagebuch-data-public/editions/*.xml" -i "../../xml/schnitzler/schnitzler-tagebuch-data-public/indices/*.xml"
denormalize-indices -f "./data/*/*.xml" -i "./data/indices/*.xml" -m ".//*[@key]/@key" -x ".//tei:title[@level='a']/text()"
denormalize-indices -f "./data/*/*.xml" -i "./data/indices/*.xml" -m ".//*[@key]/@key" -x ".//tei:title[@level='a']/text()" -b pmb2121 -b pmb10815 -b pmb50
Register handle-ids and add them as tei:idno elements:
add-handles -g "../../xml/grundbuecher/gb-data/data/editions/*.xml" -user "user12.3456-01" -pw "verysecret" -hixpath ".//tei:publicationStmt"
- install dev-dependencies:
pip install -r requirements_dev.txt
- install local package
pip install -e .
- before commiting run
to check linting andcoverage run -m pytest -v
to run the tests