The Project focuses on a simple blog page where the user is able to add and delete blog posts in the same session, and the following is the user manual on how to setup and run the project Requirements to run the project
- NPM or YARN Package Manager
- Node Js
- MySQL DB Connection and Connection String
- Step 1: Open MySQL and run the “CREATE DATABASE test;”
- Step 2: Run the SQL Script file “createTableScript.sql”
- Step 3: Run the SQL Script file “establishSecurityProtocol.sql” if security permission grant is required or skip to step 4
- Step 4: Run the SQL Script file “firstDateInserationScript.sql”
- The backend will run on port 8800
Update the DB Connection strings to the .env file in the backend directory in the following manner such as:
Get the server up and running by using node index.js in the backend directory terminal.
Navigate to the client folder, and run npm install
once all the packages are installed, run npm start
or if you use yarn, run yarn install
and once installed run the server and the frontend will run on port 3000