Lab work for course related to algorithms in 4th semester of B.Tech. - CSE in IIIT Vadodara.
Lab 1 :-
P1: To implement direct addressing.
P2: To implement hashing with chaining.
P3: To implement hashing using probing.
P4: To implement a) queue using two stacks. b) stack using two queues.
P5: a) Change the sequence of elements in a given queue/stack to any desired permutation using two additional queue/stack respectively. b) To sort elements of queue/stack using two additional queue/stack respectively.
P6: To implement a list data structure which behaves as a queue if its size is less than 9 and as a stack otherwise.
P7: Solving tower of hanoi.
Lab 2 :-
P3: a) To implement standard merge sort. b) To implement scan, divide into maximal monotonically increasing subarray, merge variant of merge sort.
P5: To find rank of any element in O(log N) worst time: Given an array indexed 1 to n. Smallest element at index k. Subarrays 1:k-1 and k:n are monotonically increasing.