using XSSRadare you can scan a single URL or mulitple URLs from XSS by using selenuim web driver as a fuzzing interface , XSSRadare will help you to identify any XSS vulnerability in your web application.
XSSRadare will use some hardcoded payloads to test for XSS , for now we prefer to write payload that conatins alert
javascript function because we already implemented the fuzzer to test for any alert triggered in the scaned page.
You can install all the dependencies for XSSRadare using the following commands :
askar@hackbook:~# sudo ./
And make sure to add this line to your .bashrc
file manually :
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/geckodriver
This line will make sure to link the geckodriver path to your current PATH
so the XSSRadare can recognize it.
Note : sometimes you need to check your firefox compatibility with geckodriver in order to run the script correctly (currently we are using the latest one "geckodriver-v0.26.0 x64" version)
After installing all the dependencies , you can run this command to start XSSRadare :
askar@hackbook:~# python3 -h
\ \/ / __/ __| _ \__ _ __| |___ _ _
> <\__ \__ \ / _` / _` / -_) '_|
[+] XSSRader Start working at : Tue May 29 01:39:59 2018
usage: [-h] [-u URL] [-v VIEW] [--stop] [--negative] [-fi FILE]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u URL, --url URL URL to scan
-v VIEW, --view VIEW view firefox (on/off)
--stop stop when you find a vulnerability
--negative show negative attempts
-fi FILE, --file FILE
name of the urls file to scan
-c COOKIES, --cookies COOKIES
cookies you want to use NAME:VALUE:PATH
-f, --full use 666 payloads
-t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
set timeout between request and alert() check, in
This command can be explained as following :
-h : to show this help banner.
--url : the URL you want to scan.
--view : to choose if you want to show the firefox browser during the fuzzing , you can control it by use (on / off) flags.
--stop : XSSRadare will stop fuzzing once it found any XSS.
--negative : to show the negative scan results (something like verbose).
--file : file name that contains all URLs that you want to scan.
--cookies : if you have any cookies you can add them using this option
-f, --full use 666 payloads
-t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT set timeout between request and alert() check, in seconds
You can start a simple XSS scan for a url using the following command :
askar@hackbook:~# python3 --url "http://localhost/xss.php?name=askar&age=21"
__ _____ ___ ___ _
\ \/ / __/ __| _ \__ _ __| |___ _ _
> <\__ \__ \ / _` / _` / -_) '_|
[+] XSSRader Start working at : Tue May 29 01:49:22 2018
[+] XSS Found on http://localhost/xss.php with params age=21&name=<script>alert("XSSED:D:")</script>
[+] Scan finished , number of found XSS : 1