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Passing Parameters

abe545 edited this page Oct 29, 2014 · 2 revisions

Passing Parameters

There are many ways to pass parameters to stored procedures with this library.

Input parameter

StoredProcedure.Create("dbo", "MyStoredProc")
               .WithParameter("Key", 100)
               .WithParameter("Date", DateTime.Now);

Output parameter

string output = null;
StoredProcedure.Create("dbo", "MyStoredProc")
               .WithOutputParameter("Name", s => output = s);

Input/Output parameter

string output = null;
StoredProcedure.Create("dbo", "MyStoredProc")
               .WithInputOutputParameter("Name", "foo", s => output = s);

Table Valued parameter

IEnumerable<Person> people;
StoredProcedure.Create("dbo", "MyStoredProc")
               .WithTableValuedParameter("newPeople", people, "dbo", "People");

Return Value

If your procedure has a meaningful return value, you can use the WithReturnValue method:

int count = -1;
StoredProcedure.Create("dbo", "MyStoredProc")
               .WithReturnValue(i => count = i);

All parameters by passing a (possibly anonymous) type

StoredProcedure.Create("dbo", "MyStoredProc")
               .WithInput(new { Key = 100, Date = DateTime.Now });

If you need any type of parameter other than an input parameter, you can create a class to do so (a struct would also work for input parameters, but since structs are passed by copy, there would be no way to get output from the StoredProcedure):

public class MyStoredProcParameters
    [StoredProcedureParameter(Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput)]
    public string Name { get; set; }
    [StoredProcedureParameter(Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue)]
    public int ResultCode { get; set; }
    [TableValuedParameter(TableName = "People")]
    public IEnumerable<Person> People { get; set; }

var parms = new MyStoredProcParameters { Name = "foo", People = people };
StoredProcedure.Create("dbo", "MyStoredProc")
// parms.Name will be updated, as will the ResultCode