C Macro for writing unit tests with asynchronous operations. Works perfectly with SenTestingKit!
- (void)testDoSomeOperation
__block BOOL jobDone = NO;
[Manager doSomeOperationOnDone:^(id data) {
jobDone = YES;
WAIT_WHILE(!jobDone, 2.0);
will stall current runloop while !jobDone
and throw an STFail
if exceeding time limit (2.0 seconds)
- (void)testDoSomeOperation
[Manager doSomeOperationOnDoneTellTarget:self selector:@selector(someOperationDone)];
WAIT_WHILE(!self.jobDone, 2.0);
- (void)someOperationDone
self.jobDone = YES;
will stall current runloop while !self.jobDone
and throw an STFail
if exceeding time limit (2.0 seconds)
- Minimum code
- Error thrown in the test. Since it is based on macro's the exception will not be thrown in some 3rd party implementation file further down the stack
- Small library
- Works perfectly with SenTestingKit
- No known bugs or issues
The macro will evaluate the expression while the expression is true or the time limit is reached.
These macros will generate STFail() if time limit is reached.
WAIT_WHILE(expressionIsTrue, limitInSeconds)
WAIT_WHILE_WITH_DESC(expressionIsTrue, seconds, description, ...)
WAIT_WHILE_EQUALS(value1, value2, limitInSeconds)
WAIT_WHILE_EQUALS_WITH_DESC(value1, value2, limitInSeconds, description, ...)
WAIT_WHILE_EQUALS_WITH_ACCURACY(value1, value2, accuracy, limitInSeconds)
WAIT_WHILE_EQUALS_WITH_ACCURACY_WITH_DESC(value1, value2, accuracy, limitInSeconds, description, ...)
WAIT_WHILE_NOT_EQUALS(value, value2, limitInSeconds)
WAIT_WHILE_NOT_EQUALS_WITH_DESC(value1, value2, limitInSeconds, description, ...)
AG_STALL_RUNLOPP_WHILE(expressionIsTrue, limitInSeconds)
You've got several alternatives like
If you've got other alternatives which should be listed here please let me know.
There is also a great thread on stack overflow http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4114083/ios-tests-specs-tdd-bdd-and-integration-acceptance-testing
This library or bundle enables you to do async test operations with asynchronous callbacks in your SenTestCase. Works with GCD (Grand Central Dispatch) and regular delegate callbacks.
It's available as AGAsyncTestHelper