- Ubuntu 18.04 (preferred) or Ubuntu 16.04
- Git
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/chadrs2/ME537-Project.git
cd ~/ME537-Project
git submodule update --init --recursive
- Remove current
sudo rm -rf build devel
- Install necessary ROS dependency packages
sudo apt install ros-<ros_version>-effort-controllers
sudo apt install qt4-default
- Run
Run the following command:
bash -i ~/ME537-Project/devel/setup.sh; source ~/.bashrc;
- Source setup script
source ~/ME537-Project/devel/setup.sh
- Change into simulation baxter environment within main ~/ME537-Project directory:
- Resets robot:
rosrun baxter_tools enable_robot.py -r
- Enables robot:
rosrun baxter_tools enable_robot.py -e
- Untucks robot arms:
rosrun baxter_tools tuck_arms.py -u
- Now run python command files in ipython, using the "run" command before the file name.
- Source setup script
source ~/ME537-Project/devel/setup.sh
- Check that
file has your own computer's IP address - Change into simulation baxter environment within main ~/ME537-Project directory:
./baxter.sh sim
- Start up baxter in gazebo:
roslaunch baxter_gazebo baxter_world.launch
- In a new terminal (repeat steps 1 & 3 in new terminal):
- Resets robot:
rosrun baxter_tools enable_robot.py -r
- Enables robot:
rosrun baxter_tools enable_robot.py -e
- Untucks robot arms:
rosrun baxter_tools tuck_arms.py -u
- Now run your own files!
You probably don't have ros setup for python3. Run the following commands
sudo apt-get install python3-pip python3-yaml
sudo pip3 install rospkg catkin_pkg