FAM Assistant v1.0 Release 🚀
Core Functions
- Voice Control with GPT Integration: Use voice commands to interact with the assistant, powered by GPT for natural language understanding.
- Gesture Control: Utilize an ultrasonic sensor for hands-free interaction.
- Music Playback and Playlist Management: Play, pause, skip, and manage your music library, including Spotify integration.
- Task/Reminder System: Create and manage tasks and reminders using voice commands.
- Game Server Hosting: Host and manage game servers with voice commands.
- Raspotify Control: Control Spotify Connect to play music on your Raspberry Pi.
Technical Details
- Multi-threaded Architecture: Ensures responsive operation by handling multiple tasks concurrently.
- GPIO-based Gesture Detection: Uses the HC-SR04 sensor for detecting hand gestures.
- Audio Playback via Pygame: Plays audio files and manages playlists.
- Local Music Library with Spotify Sync: Syncs your local music library with Spotify playlists.
- HTTP Game Server with Email Invites: Hosts game servers and sends email invitations to players.
Download the clean files in zip format, unzip them and install the dependencies.:
:main: access_key: "<your_access_key_here>" keyword_path: "<your_keyword_path_here>" music_path: "<your_music_path_here>" groq_api_key: "<your_groq_api_key_here>" openai_api_key: "<your_openai_api_key_here>" model_name: "<your_model_name_here>" utilities: author: "<your_name_here>" audio_files: success: "<path_to_success_audio_file_here>" error: "<path_to_error_audio_file_here>" load: "<path_to_load_audio_file_here>" model_path: "<path_to_model_here>" weather_api_key: "<your_weather_api_key_here>" news_api_key: "<your_news_api_key_here>" email: sender_email: "<your_email_here>" sender_password: "<your_password_here>"
- Voice Commands:
- System: "Shutdown", "Start my day", "Enable/disable raspotify"
- Media: "Play/pause/resume/stop music", "Play [song name]", "Next/skip", "Download [song]"
- Games: "Play/start game", "Stop/end game"
- Tasks: "Add task", "Search task"
- Gesture Control: Hold hand 2-5cm from ultrasonic sensor to activate voice input.
For any questions or issues, reach out at [email protected].
Developer: a3ro-dev
This is the first beta release of FAM Assistant. We appreciate your feedback and contributions to improve the project!