This example is specifically to practice MVVM with tablet Duel-Pane Mode A.K.A Master Detail View in Android Without Using Navigation Componenet Support Master - Detail pattern as well as Mobile view.
- One Activity Only!!!
- Kotlin Love
- MVVM Pattern
- Algorithm used for sorting records Shell Sort
- ViewModel
- LiveData
- Kotlin Flows
- Pagination Library
- Retrofit
- Easy Permissions Handling
- And URL none Safe Handling
- File Provider SetUp
- Navigation is Done Without Navigation Componenent to follow More Generic and testable environment
- Dependency Injection (Dagger + Hilt)
- MockItTo
- Coroutines Test
- Hilt Testing
- Integration Testing ##Unit Testing##
Caching In case of Internet disconnectivity is done efficent
- Flickr Phot Search API
- Infinite photos for each movie detail