feat: improving PR experience with comments #52
3 errors and 1 warning
Code Quality
> @zebra-fed/[email protected] lint:lit-analyzer
> lit-analyzer
Analyzing 288 files...
Type '"primary" | "secondary" | "positive" | "negative" | "outline" | "outline-subtle" | "text" | "inverse"' is not assignable to '"primary" | "secondary" | "positive" | "negative" | "outline" | "outline-subtle" | "text"'
85: .flavor=${this.flavor}
Missing slot attribute. Parent element <zeta-icon> only allows named slots as children. Add slot attribute with: 'object Object],[object Object'?
57: unded=${this.rounded}><slot></slot></zeta-icon>`
Type '"primary" | "secondary" | "positive" | "negative" | "outline" | "outline-subtle" | "text" | "inverse"' is not assignable to '"primary" | "secondary" | "positive" | "negative" | "outline" | "outline-subtle" | "text"'
171: .flavor=${this.flavor}
This tag isn't closed.
60: <button ?disabled=${this.disa
Missing import for <zeta-icon>
61: <zeta-icon .rounded=${this.roun
Missing slot attribute. Parent element <zeta-icon> only allows named slots as children. Add slot attribute with: 'object Object],[object Object'?
61: unded=${this.rounded}><slot></slot></zeta-icon>
Unknown at rule @starting-style
53: @starting-style {
Unknown at rule @starting-style
62: @starting-style {
Type '"" | "email" | "off" | "on" | "additional-name" | "address-level1" | "address-level2" | "address-level3" | "address-level4" | "address-line1" | "address-line2" | "address-line3" | "bday-day" | "bday-month" | "bday-year" | "cc-csc" | "cc-exp" | "cc-exp-month" | ... 418 more ...' is not assignable to '"on" | "off" | "additional-name" | "address-level1" | "address-level2" | "address-level3" | "address-level4" | "address-line1" | "address-line2" | "address-line3" | "bday" | "bday-year" | "bday-day" | "bday-month" | "billing" | "cc-additional-name" | ... 48 more ...'
280: autocomplete=${ifDefined(this.a
Type '"text-dropdown" | "checkbox-dropdown" | "radio-dropdown"' is not assignable to '"hidden" | "text" | "search" | "tel" | "url" | "email" | "password" | "datetime" | "date" | "month" | "week" | "time" | "datetime-local" | "number" | "range" | "color" | "checkbox" | "radio" | "file" | "submit" | "image" | "reset" | "button" | ... 0 more ...'
292: type=${this.type}
Type '"" | "email" | "off" | "on" | "additional-name" | "address-level1" | "address-level2" | "address-level3" | "address-level4" | "address-line1" | "address-line2" | "address-line3" | "bday-day" | "bday-month" | "bday-year" | "cc-csc" | "cc-exp" | "cc-exp-month" | ... 418 more ...' is not assignable to '"on" | "off" | "additional-name" | "address-level1" | "address-level2" | "address-level3" | "address-level4" | "address-line1" | "address-line2" | "address-line3" | "bday" | "bday-year" | "bday-day" | "bday-month" | "billing" | "cc-additional-name" | ... 48 more ...'
300: autocomplete=${ifDefined(this.a
Type '"" | "email" | "off" | "on" | "additional-name" | "address-level1" | "address-level2" | "address-level3" | "address-level4" | "address-line1" | "address-line2" | "address-line3" | "bday-day" | "bday-month" | "bday-year" | "cc-csc" | "cc-exp" | "cc-exp-month" | ... 418 more ...' is not assignable to '"on" | "off" | "additional-name" | "address-level1" | "address-level2" | "address-level3" | "address-level4" | "address-line1" | "address-line2" | "address-line3" | "bday" | "bday-year" | "bday-day" | "bday-month" | "billing" | "cc-additional-name" | ... 48 more ...'
350: autocomplete=${ifDefi
Code Quality
Failed ESLint: true
Code Quality
> @zebra-fed/[email protected] test
> web-test-runner "src/test/**/*.test.ts" --node-resolve --coverage
Chromium: |█▎ | 0/46 test files | 0 passed, 0 failed
Running tests...
Running 46 test files...
�[2K�[1A�[2K�[G2:04:00 PM [vite] (client) ✨ new dependencies optimized: @open-wc/testing, lit/decorators.js, lit, lit/directives/if-defined.js, lit/directives/style-map.js
�[2K�[1A�[2K�[G2:04:00 PM [vite] (client) ✨ new dependencies optimized: @web/test-runner-commands, @zebra-fed/zeta-icons
2:04:00 PM [vite] (client) ✨ optimized dependencies changed. reloading
�[2K�[1A�[2K�[G2:04:02 PM [vite] (client) ✨ new dependencies optimized: lit/directives/live.js
2:04:02 PM [vite] (client) ✨ optimized dependencies changed. reloading
🚧 Browser logs:
Multiple versions of Lit loaded. Loading multiple versions is not recommended. See https://lit.dev/msg/multiple-versions for more information.
Element zeta-checkbox scheduled an update (generally because a property was set) after an update completed, causing a new update to be scheduled. This is inefficient and should be avoided unless the next update can only be scheduled as a side effect of the previous update. See https://lit.dev/msg/change-in-update for more information.
🚧 Browser logs:
Element zeta-checkbox scheduled an update (generally because a property was set) after an update completed, causing a new update to be scheduled. This is inefficient and should be avoided unless the next update can only be scheduled as a side effect of the previous update. See https://lit.dev/msg/change-in-update for more information.
Element zeta-radio-button scheduled an update (generally because a property was set) after an update completed, causing a new update to be scheduled. This is inefficient and should be avoided unless the next update can only be scheduled as a side effect of the previous update. See https://lit.dev/msg/change-in-update for more information.
�[2K�[1A�[2K�[G2:04:04 PM [vite] (client) ✨ new dependencies optimized: @lit/localize
2:04:04 PM [vite] (client) ✨ optimized dependencies changed. reloading
❌ zeta-fab > Accessibility Tests > meets accessability requirements
Error: Accessibility Violations
Rule: color-contrast
Impact: serious
Elements must meet minimum color contrast ratio thresholds (https://dequeuniversity.com/rules/axe/4.10/color-contrast?application=axeAPI)
Issue target: zeta-fab,zeta-icon
Context: <zeta-icon><slot></slot></zeta-icon>
Fix any of the following:
Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.21 (foreground color: #f3f6fa, background color: #0073e6, font size: 9.0pt (12px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1
at processResults (node_modules/chai-a11y-axe/src/accessible.js:87:14)
at node_modules/chai-a11y-axe/src/accessible.js:123:6
at async n.<anonymous> (src/test/fab/fab.test.ts?wtr-session-id=xVOXSsXu34pKW1jpn-_8M:28:6)
❌ zeta-fab > Content Tests > renders a button with a label
AssertionError: expected null to exist
at n.<anonymous> (src/test/fab/fab.test.ts?wtr-session-id=xVOXSsXu34pKW1jpn-_8M:35:61)
❌ zeta-fab > Content Tests > renders an extended fab
AssertionError: expected null to exist
at n.<anonymous>
ubuntu-latest pipelines will use ubuntu-24.04 soon. For more details, see https://github.com/actions/runner-images/issues/10636