Everyday, starting 24th of December 2019
The main project i have started doing, is creating a PIET interpreter. Piet being an isoteric language using images as code.
My first objective was to print out a calendar, here it is:
- 24/12/2019
- Started printing calendar
- 25/12/2019
- Finished printing calendar
- 26/12/2019
- Piet operations reader
- 27/12/2019
- Piet Op reader cycle & hextoHueLum Converter
- 28/12/2019
- HextoHueLum Converter & understood piet CC & DP
- 29/12/2019
- Started using git, began the main piet interpreter
- 30/12/2019
- Printed calendar in MD and began image reading
- 31/12/2019
- finished image reading
- 01/01/2020
- linked getData and getOperation
- 02/01/2020
- finaly understood CC and DP
- 03/01/2020
- started floodfill algorithm
- 04/01/2020
- added getExtreme Function
- 05/01/2020
- Floodfill is working
- 06/01/2020
- getExtreme OK, working on navigation
- 07/01/2020
- navigation in progress
- 08/01/2020
- printed stuff
- 09/01/2020
- navigation working, only functions left
- 10/01/2020
- coded a lot of functions
- 11/01/2020
- Hell , l$l
- 12/01/2020
- Hello, world! , one program sort of works
- 13/01/2020
- Didn't do much, searched for errors
- 14/01/2020
- The first program works
- 15/01/2020
- logged more stuff, alphabet Printing works
- 16/01/2020
- fixed the stopping of the program
- 17/01/2020
- tried to implement white blocks handeling
- 18/01/2020
- worked on my website instead, got tired
- 19/01/2020
- white block is hard
- 20/01/2020
- went on code wars because i booted on windows