Accelerated Affine-Invariant Convergence Rates of the Frank-Wolfe Algorithm with Open-Loop Step-Sizes
Code for the paper:
This project is an extension of the previously published Git repository open_loop_fw, which contains the code to the following paper:
Wirth, E., Pokutta, S., and Kerdreux, T. (2023). Acceleration of Frank-Wolfe Algorithms with Open-Loop Step-Sizes. In Proceedings of AISTATS.
Download the repository and store it in your preferred location, say ~/tmp.
Open your terminal and navigate to ~/tmp.
Run the command:
$ conda env create --file environment.yml
This will create the conda environment affine_invariant_open_loop_fw.
Activate the conda environment with:
$ conda activate affine_invariant_open_loop_fw
Navigate to ~/tmp
To perform the experiments in the paper:
>>> python3 -m experiments.ablation_study_l
>>> python3 -m experiments.collaborative_filtering
>>> python3 -m experiments.gaps_growth
>>> python3 -m experiments.logistic_regression
>>> python3 -m experiments.polytope_ls_ol
>>> python3 -m experiments.polytope
>>> python3 -m experiments.regression
>>> python3 -m experiments.strong_growth
>>> python3 -m experiments.weak_boundary_growth
The experiments are then stored in ~/tmp/experiments/figures.
Some referees were interested in seeing the effects of higher dimensions on the experiments. No surprises occurred. For completeness, the additional experiments can be run in the same way as the experiments for the main paper:
>>> python3 -m experiments.referee_ablation_study_l
>>> python3 -m experiments.referee_polytope_ls_ol