Repository for practice in Software System Development 2022
Hi this is Hajimu!
Write something unique in one line.
If you get any conflicts when you make pull requests, try to resolve that by rebasing/merging with the latest contenmt.
This is a new line for the git----... Welcome to my git
Hello World!
2211417 - Thank you for today's class!
I'm Koki form AHC LAB NAIST IS. I love cheese.
Hi this is Yuki Mishima!
I'm a member of Ubiquitous Computing Systems Lab.
Hi, this is MA from NAIST. My ID is 2211415.
Assignment Submission (Eunike)
Please let me in .... Raclette is life, raclette is love
Follow me on Instagram: @kostjak98 and link up on LinkedIn:
The sudden change in temperature has my nose confused. ><
It's GS from sdlab!
This is Yuan from SDLab!!!!!
Ubi Ubi Ubi
Hi this is Akira Kawabata!
I'm struggling with my master thesis.
My research area is natural language processing.
Hi this is Adil!
I belong to Cyber Resilience Lab (Information Science).
My main research interest is in AI Native resource allocation for 6G network.
Hi. I'm Kazutomo Nakamura.
Hi. this is Gabriel from Software Engineering Laboratory.
Hi. This is Hang from NLP lab.
[by Hudi] I made this comment when Hajimu-sensei presenting the slides of lecture #4 p.39: Review and merge a pull request in GitHub(4). But apparently got conflict. Was requested to solve the conflict. But how could I resolve conflicts involving multiple parties? Shall I ask ChatGPT? or shall I just ask Eliza? maybe it is better to resolve it through World Cup. Oh but Japan has lost in the round of 16 ........ :')
Hello, I'm Jaisri Pongchai (2211413).
This pull request was automatically generated by a GitHub bot. It includes changes to the following files: The specific changes made to these files are as follows: Added a new line to Please review and merge these changes if they meet your approval. Thank you for using GitHub!
I live in Osaka.
Hi ^_^
Hi everyone, I am Bernard (2211047) from Malaysia. Hello, I'm from Chiba Take your heart
I'm a Ubi Lab member
I have a pen.
lets go!
Switch kaitai...orz
I love doraemon!
I love shen
I love natto
#Nyaoha Tatsuna!!! (2011424)
Sawaddee from SE Lab :)
Pokemon SV
Hello everyone!! It's too cold now!!!
Soccer Love
It is sunny.
Banana is life, life is BANANA!!!