Tea time is a web store application where users can buy monthly subscriptions to their favorite teas. Tea Time is a monolith Ruby on Rails application with a Stripe credit card payment integration, styled with bootstrap. Products can be stored via Stripe's dashboard, making the tea's rendered to the homepage view dynamic. Products are seeded by Stripe API.
*** Tea Time was previously deployed via Render and was taken down on Feb 27, 2024 ***
- Use the below information for logging in and payment
Email: [email protected]
Password: 123
When checking out via Stripe:
* Fill out all form fields
* Fake Credit Card info is expected! Please make it realistic. Example credit card expiration date must be valid
Credit Card #: 4242 4242 4242 4242
The learning objectives for this project:
- Create the best user experience by displaying appealing views that are user friendly
- Integrate with Stripe for an easy checkout experience
- Create user authentication with login feature
Current functionality
- login
- logout
- Create an account
- View teas within the homepage
- Purchase products/checkout with a credit card
- Has a cart that all items can be saved to
- A user can checkout with more than one item in their cart
Possible next steps: Project Board
Nov 10, 2023
Yuji Kosakowski |