npm install @cyberlabsai/yoonit-websocket
Just need to import the lib and pass config values to it.
Yoonit Websocket is implemented using RxJs Websockets, so options passed on RxJs is accepted by Yoonit Websocket, as serializer and binaryType.
It's important to define a reconnection callback in cases that connection is ended unexpectedly. The callback receives a new websocket instance. It's necessary to [subscribe] response handler again. Read more on Getting Ws Response to understand more about getting ws response.
Import YoonitWs from @cyberlabsai/yoo-websocket
YoonitWs.openWebSocketConnection({ url: process.env.WS_URL, serializer: (e) => return e, binaryType: 'arraybuffer' }, reconnectionCallback)
- If you don't need custom setup, just pass url to the method
Import YoonitWs from @cyberlabsai/yoo-websocket
YoonitWs.openWebSocketConnection(process.env.WS_URL, reconnectionCallback)
- To get websocket response, is necessary to subscribe a function to be the handler.
Ie: YoonitWsInstanc.subscribe(responseHandler)
In order to restart Websocket connect, you only need to call .restart(). Restart method returns a new websocket instance, it's necessary to subscribe response handler on this new instance.
The reconnection callback passed as parameter, will be called when connection is terminated abruptly.