By Yassir Zoaka
Create a scratch project
Mario: Create a program that outputs a pyramid of hashes like at the end of a level in a Super Mario game
Cash: Implement a program that calculates the minimum number of coins required to give the user his change
Scrabble: Determine which of two Scrabble words is worth more
Readability: Implement a program that calculates the approximate grade level needed to comprehend some text
Caesar: Write an encryption program implement a program that encrypts messages using Caesar’s cipher
Sort : Analyze three sorting programs to determine which algorithms they use (Selection, Bubble, Merge)
Plurality : Implement a program that runs a plurality election
Runoff : Write a program that runs a runoff election
Volume : Implement a program that involves modifying the volume of audio files
Filter : Create a program that involves manipulating image files to create different filters
Recover : Implement a program that recovers JPEGs from a forensic image
Inheritance : Simulate the inheritance of blood types for each member of a family
Speller : Create a spell-checking program using pointer
World Cup : Write a program to run simulations of the FIFA World Cup
DNA : Implement a program that identifies a person based on their DNA
Songs: Write SQL queries to answer questions about a database of songs
Movies: Write SQL queries to answer questions about a database of movies
Fiftyville: Solve a mystery of who stole the CS50 duck through a series of SQL queries
Trivia: Create a webpage that lets users answer trivia questions
Homepage: Create a home page about yourself using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
Birthdays: Create a web application to keep track of friends’ birthdays
Finance: Implement a full-stack web application via which users can manage portfolios of stocks. Not only will this tool allow you to check real stocks’ actual prices and portfolios’ values, it will also let you buy and sell stocks by querying IEX for stocks’ prices