Welcome to Yamayamaaya's Homebrew Tap! This repository hosts the formulae for various tools and software created and maintained by Yamayamaaya.
- rel : A tool for visualizing directory structures and the relationships between specific subdirectories or files. It acts as a wrapper around the tree command.
- First, tap the repository:
brew tap Yamayamaaya/homebrew-tap
- Next, you can install any formula. For example, to install
brew install rel
To update a specific formula, you can use the following command:
brew upgrade <formula-name>
For example, to upgrade rel
brew upgrade rel
If you encounter any issues or if you want to contribute, feel free to open an issue or a pull request in this repository.
Each formula might have its own license. Refer to the individual projects for more details.---
Feel free to customize this README to better match the style and specifics of your tools and formulae!