This application is intended to demonstrate how to modernize a legacy Windows Forms application into an ASP.NET Core Blazor application with the aid of Generative AI. It was written in Windows Forms in .NET Framework 4.8 as a classic Client/Server application. Here are some screenshot:
In the hands on labs, we will bring this application into the modern age of AI and cloud by migrating and refactoring it. Meanwhile, we leverage the legacy code base as much as possible without doing a full rewrite of the application.
You will start with the code base in the code/start/legacy folder of this repo and work towards a more modern application. In case you get stuck, or want to continue from a certain point, you can refer to the sample solutions under the code/final folder, which has a sample solution in several stages of completion.
You can clone this repo and start working on the labs which can be found on the Wiki pages of this repository. We recommend that you keep a tab open with the Wiki at all times during the lab.
Have fun!
To clean up all the attendee repos:
for repo in $(gh repo list XpiritCommunityEvents --json name --jq '.[].name | select(test("^attendeello"))'); do
echo "Deleting repository: $repo"
gh repo delete "XpiritCommunityEvents/$repo" --yes
Find all codespaces:
gh codespace list -o XpiritCommunityEvents --json name,repository > codespaces.json
Cleaning them op:
jq -r 'map(select(.repository | test("^XpiritCommunityEvents/attendeello")) | .repository)' codespaces.json | while read repo; do
echo "Deleting codespace for repository: $repo"
gh codespace delete --repo "$repo" --force