Supports edge cases and core operations in the where filter object.
First laid out in issue #73 - here is exhaustive list of a lot of the options you can now properly use in where
Main convention is that for a filter with an operator, pass that in as an array
where: {
field: ['operator', 'query']
Querying & Filtering
Examples for the opts
(options) parameters most endpoints support. This is an area of focus and improvement. If you have a complex filering/sorting/where usage that is not supported please open an issue.
# Invoices
opts = {
page: 1,
where: {
type: ['=', XeroRuby::Accounting::Invoice::ACCREC],
fully_paid_on_date: (DateTime.now - 6.month)..DateTime.now,
amount_due: ['>=', 0],
reference: ['=', "Website Design"],
invoice_number: ['=', "INV-0001"],
contact_id: ['=', 'contact-uuid-xxxx-xxx-xxxxxxx'],
contact_number: ['=', "the-contact-number"],
# date: (DateTime.now - 2.year)..DateTime.now
# ▲ you can pass a range ▼ or a date & operator
date: ['>=', DateTime.now - 2.year],
status: ['=', XeroRuby::Accounting::Invoice::PAID]
xero_client.accounting_api.get_invoices(tenant_id, opts).invoices
# Contacts
opts = {
if_modified_since: (DateTime.now - 1.weeks).to_s,
# ▼ ordering by strings needs PascalCase convention
order: 'UpdatedDateUtc DESC',
where: {
is_customer: ['==', true],
is_supplier: ['==', true]
xero_client.accounting_api.get_contacts(tenant_id, opts).contacts
# Bank Transactions
opts = {
if_modified_since: (DateTime.now - 1.year).to_s,
where: { type: ['==', XeroRuby::Accounting::BankTransaction::SPEND] },
order: 'UpdatedDateUtc DESC',
page: 2,
unitdp: 4 # (Unit Decimal Places)
xero_client.accounting_api.get_bank_transactions(tenant_id, opts).bank_transactions
# Bank Transfers
opts = {
if_modified_since: (DateTime.now - 1.month).to_s,
where: {
amount: [">=" , 999.99]
order: 'Amount ASC'
xero_client.accounting_api.get_bank_transfers(tenant_id, opts).bank_transfers