Gallery-view script for mpv. Shows thumbnails of playlist entries in a grid view. Works with images and videos alike.
- The default thumbnail directory is probably not appropriate for your system. See Installation for instructions on how to change it.
- Make sure that the thumbnail directory exists for auto-generation to work.
- Also make sure to have ffmpeg (and ffprobe) in your PATH. Or use mpv for thumbnails generation (not recommended : slightly slower, no transparency), see settings.
- The gallery is slower when using lua5.1, if possible use lua5.2.
- The script is meant to be used (and works best) with local files.
Copy scripts/gallery.lua
to your mpv scripts directory.
If you want on-demand thumbnail generation, copy scripts/gallery-thumbgen.lua
too. You can make multiple copies of it (with different names) to potentially speed up generation, they will register themselves automatically.
If you want to customize the script (in particular the thumbnail directory), copy lua-settings/gallery.conf
and modify it to your liking or edit gallery.lua directly (not recommended).
The gallery view is bound to g
by default but can be rebound in input.conf with t script-message gallery-view
By default, thumbnails are generated on-demand, and reused throughout mpv instances.
Thumbnails can also be generated offline by running this shell snippet (modify according to your needs):
for i in $(find . -name '*png'); do
hash=$(printf %s $(realpath $i) | sha256sum | cut -c1-12)
# for video, seek forward in the file to generate a better thumbnail
ffmpeg -i $i -vf "scale=iw*min(1\,min($w/iw\,$h/ih)):-2,pad=$w:$h:($w-iw)/2:($h-ih)/2:color=0x00000000" -y -f rawvideo -pix_fmt bgra -c:v rawvideo -frames:v 1 -loglevel quiet "$thumb_dir"/"$hash"_"$w"_"$h"
- Add some kind of checkerboard pattern behind transparent thumbnails (ideally with an ffmpeg filter) (?).
- Option to start the gallery view on startup
Ad-hoc thumbnail library (yet another), which is not shared by any other program.
Management of the thumbnails is left to the user. In particular, stale thumbnails (whose file has been (re)moved) are not deleted by the script. This can be fixed by deleting thumbnails which have not been accessed since N days with such a snippet
min=$((days * 60 * 24)
# run first without -delete to be sure
find ~/.mpv_thumbs_dir/ -maxdepth 1 -type f -amin +$min -delete
You could even schedule it, with a systemd timer for example.
Thumbnails are raw bgra, which is somewhat wasteful. With the default settings, a thumbnail uses 81KB (around 13k thumbnails in a GB).
Cannot generate thumbnail for anything that relies on youtube-dl