Het "orders" component is ontwikkeld voor de gemeente Utrecht en heeft als doel het verwerken van bestellingen. Dit component gaat vaak hand in hand met de componenten betalen en producten en diensten maar dit is niet altijd noodzakelijk.
- Installation manual.
- contributing for tips tricks and general rules concerning contributing to this component.
- codebase on github.
- codebase as a download.
- Datamodel of this component
- Postman tests of this component
Do you want to create your own Commonground component? Take a look at our in depht tutorial on spinning up your own component!
This repository uses the power of conductions commonground bundle for symfony to provide common ground specific functionality based on the VNG Api Strategie. Including
- Build in support for public API's like BAG (Kadaster), KVK (Kamer van Koophandel)
- Build in validators for common dutch variables like BSN (Burger service nummer), RSIN(), KVK(), BTW()
- AVG and VNG proof audit trails
- And muchs more ....
Be sure to read our design considerations concerning the VNG Api Strategie.
Do you need a feature that is not on this list? don't hesitate to send us a feature request.
This repository uses the power of the commonground proto component provide common ground specific functionality based on the VNG Api Strategie. Including
- Build in support for public API's like BAG (Kadaster), KVK (Kamer van Koophandel)
- Build in validators for common dutch variables like BSN (Burger service nummer), RSIN(), KVK(), BTW()
- AVG and VNG proof audit trails, Wildcard searches, handling of incomplete date's and underInvestigation objects
- Support for NLX headers
- And much more ....
Copyright © Gemeente Utrecht 2019
Licensed under EUPL