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A custom Discord bot made in Python.



  • Python 3.7+.
  • Knowledge using a terminal.
  • A little bit of time.
  • Optional: Coffee to drink while executing the app.

How to run it

  • First of all, let's make sure we've got java install. To do so, run python -V. If we have at least Python 3.7, we can continue. If not, install a more recent Python version and come back. NOTE: Older Python3 versions may work as well but it hasn't been tested, so procede at your own risk.
  • Download the code:
    • Clone the project and compile the code. To do so, download it from the green button at the top or execute git clone Once downloaded, we can modify some parameters of the config file in order to add our Discord key. Adittionaly, add an OpenAI key to enable some extra functionallity. After that, install the requirements), to do so, open a terminal and execute pip install -r requirements.txt.
  • We're almost done! Now execute the main script, to do so open a terminal and execute python
  • We've finished! Now you can start using the bot.

How it works

ECIBot is a Discord bot made in Python. It's main purpose is to be a custom bot for the ECI Discord server. It's main features are:

  • Play music from different services thanks to yt-dlp.
  • Play customs sounds uploaded by the server members.
  • Play custom messages via tts.
  • Generate custom images using Dall-e mini API.
  • Generate custom text using OpenAI API.

Legacy Commands

NOTE: These commands are deprecated and will stop working in the future. Please, use slash commands instead.

  • !help: Shows the help message.
  • !sonidos: Shows the list of custom sounds and the quantity available.
  • !play <name or url>: Plays the sound with that name or the specified url. This url can be direct or from services supported by yt-dlp, such as YouTube or Twitter. Alternative command: !p.
  • !stop: Stops the current sound playing. If there isn't more on the queue, the bot will disconnect from the voice channel. Alternative command: !s.
  • !queue: Shows current queue. Alternative command: !q y !cola.
  • !tts <prompt>: Generates a tts sound with the given message. Alternative command: !t, !say y !decir.
  • !ask <prompt>: Sends the prompt to OpenAI's API and generate a tts sound with the answer given. Alternative command: !a, !preguntar y !pr.
  • !yt <search query>: Searches YouTube and plays the first result. Alternative command: !youtube.
  • !ytmusic <search query>: Searches YouTube Music and plays the first result. You can use hashtags to specify the type of content. Alternative command: !ytm and !youtubemusic.
  • !search <prompt>: Search custom sounds that contains given prompt. Alternative command: !b y !buscar.
  • !dalle <prompt>: Generates 9 images in a 3 by 3 array by sending the given prompt to Dall-e mini API. It may take up to a minute to get the images from the API. Alternative command: !d.
  • !confetti <number>: Plays the specified number of random Confetti songs. Alternative command: !co.
  • !ytmix <search query or url>: Plays a mix generated from the given YouTube search or url. Alternative command: !youtubemix
  • !ytmusicmix <search query or url>: Plays a mix generated from the given YouTube Music search or url. Alternative command: !ytmmix and !youtubemusicmix

Slash Commands

  • /sounds: Shows the list of custom sounds and the quantity available.
  • /play <name or url>: Plays the sound with that name or the specified url. This url can be direct or from services supported by yt-dlp, such as YouTube or Twitter.
  • /skip: Skips the current sound playing. If there isn't more on the queue, the bot will disconnect from the voice channel.
  • /queue: Shows current queue.
  • /tts <prompt>: Generates a tts sound with the given message.
  • /ask <prompt>: Sends the prompt to OpenAI's API and generate a tts sound with the answer given.
  • /search <local/youtube/youtubemusic/soundcloud> <prompt>: Searches local sounds that contains that prompt or searches it in the specified service and plays the first result. In the case of YouTube Music you can use hashtags to specify the type of content.
  • /dalle <prompt>: Generates 9 images in a 3 by 3 array by sending the given prompt to Dall-e mini API. It may take up to a minute to get the images from the API.
  • /confetti <number>: 🎉 Plays the specified number of random Confetti songs.
  • /mix <youtube/youtubemusic/soundcloud> <search query or url>: Plays a mix generated from the given search or url.


  • Add more commands.
  • Add tts messages to queue.
  • Create log system.
  • Add more logs.
  • Add language support.
  • Create lang file.
  • Create constants file for the bot.

Known bugs

  • Have you found one? Create a ticket here.


A custom Discord bot made in Python.






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