This provides code for Lidar-camera calibration using Gauss-Newton descending method
- Livox Mid-40 LiDAR
- MATLAB 2014+
- LivoxViewer
- Polyworks 2018+
- Photoshop CS6+
- Livox Mid-40 LiDAR
- Other softwares are avaliable online.
Use Livoxviewer for raw point clouds, polyworks for processing them, photoshop for finding points.
Use MATLAB toolbox for camera intristic parameters.
The algorithm is based on two sets of formulas: Rotation matrix is orthogonal
T. Marita, F. Oniga, S. Nedevschi, T. Graf, and R. Schmidt, "Camera calibration method for far range stereovision sensors used in vehicles," in IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Sysposium, 6 2007, pp. 356-363.
Bódis-Szomorú A, Dabóczi T, Fazekas Z. A far-range off-line camera calibration method for stereo lane detection systems[C]//Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference Proceedings, 2007. IMTC 2007. IEEE. IEEE, 2007: 1-6.
Fusiello A, Irsara L. Quasi-euclidean uncalibrated epipolar
Contribution: Dongming Chang