Instruction how to use PZEM_004T_V3 without ESPHome and integrations. Only ha native Modbus codes. with fllowing four type connections. 培正PZEM 004T V3用电信息采集HA官方方案,需要集成,直接用HA的内置的Modbus模块 注意,本代码需要RS485的设备接一个转换器(例如串口服务器)来实现下面四种modbus(TCP,UDP,rtuovertcp,serial)之一来连接设备。
one of these connection type is required for this yaml.
TCP/IP connection with socket framer, used with Ethernet enabled devices.
UDP connection with socket framer, rarely used.
TCP/IP connection with rtu framer, used when connection to modbus forwarders.
Serial connection with RTU framer, used with TTY port or USB rs485 converter.