A script to bypass simple detection, no AMSI bypass included, do it yourself.
Inspired from FuckThatPacker, just python3.
python3 powerXor.py -h
usage: powerXor.py [-h] [-k KEY] [-o OUTPUT] file_path
Encode a PowerShell script file using XOR encryption and base64 encoding
positional arguments:
file_path Path to the PowerShell script file
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-k KEY, --key KEY XOR encryption key (default: randomly generated)
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Output file name (default: output.ps1)
python3 powerXor.py test.ps1 -k 13 -o run.ps1
[*] Reading the file ...
[*] Encoding the content (utf-16-le) ...
[*] Xoring with Key: 13
[*] Base64 encoding
[*] Writing to output file: run.ps1
[*] Process completed.
Can then be run on Windows.