This algorithm gives a similarity measure betweens nodes for dynamic networks based on structural perturbation theory, and detects dynamic community structure based on density-based clustering and evolutionary clustering. As described in the paper:
Wang P, Gao L, Ma X. Dynamic community detection based on network structural perturbation and topological similarity[J]. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2017, 2017(1): 013401.
This algorithm is implemented primarily in Matlab 2015b.
: The implementation of the ESPRA algorithm.
function [ result ] = ESPRA( simMatrices, alpha, beta )
% simMatrices (N,N,K): A series of symmetric similarity matrix for dynamic networks
% alpha: Parameter for balancing the current clustering (=1) and historical influence (=0)
% beta: Parameter for trading off the emphasis between the structural perturbation and topological similarity
% result: A cell that contains clustering results at every time step
: Compute the structural perturbation similarity.
function [ Ap ] = PerturbationSim( deltaA, V, D )
% deltaA (N,N): The pertubation item between two matrices
% V (N,N): Each column is a eigenvector of the original matrix
% D (N,N): The diagonal elements are eigenvalues corresponding to the eigenvectors
% Ap (N,N): The final perturbated matrix
: Compute the similarity matrix based on resource allocation (RA) index
function [ simMatrix ] = RA( A )
% A: The adjacency matrix of a network
% simMatrix: The result similarity matrix based on RA index
: The implementation extends the clustering algorithm proposed by Alex Rodriguez and Alessandro Laio (Science, 2014).
function [ cluster_result, rho, delta ] = cluster( simMatrix, nodeIDs )
% simMatrix: Similarity matrix of the network
% nodeIDs: A vector contains the identity of each node
% cluster_result (N, 2): The cluster result
% rho (N, 1): The local density of each node
% delta (N, 1): The distance of each node from nodes of higher local density
Please reffer to the following reference for more details:
Rodriguez A, Laio A. Clustering by fast search and find of density peaks[J].Science, 2014, 344(6191): 1492-1496.
The code is for generating simulated data:
: Generating the synthetic networks with 4 clusters. This generator is implemented by Yu-Ru Lin (
The codes for evaluation measures:
: The normalized mutual informationErrorRate.m
: The error rate
If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]